Tag: Ocala Farm Ministry
Fruit of the Spirit
“Against such there is no law.”
No Law Against Kindness
A Kindred Sermon
An Abundant Life
Good Morning Everyone. My topic is Abundant Life. In John 10:10, Jesus said,
“I came that they may have Life, and have it more abundantly.”
So, I ask you, are you living that Abundant Life right now. You can, and you should, but are you? Do you even know what it means? Do you know how to get that Abundant Life?
What it means –
Continue reading “A Kindred Sermon”Emotion: the Hinderance of the Soul
When an intellectual conversation dissolves into a self-loathing proclamation…
Pressure Relief
“We bring The Bible with us from place to place, when always The Bible is inside our hearts.”
Strength Until the Last Hour
1 Samuel 25:4-44
While David was in the wilderness, he heard that Nabal was shearing sheep.
So he sent ten young men and said to them, “Go up to Nabal at Carmel and greet him in my name.
Say to him: ‘Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours!’
Nothing But Faith In Nothing
Think By Example
The Difficulty of Sincerity
Too and Two
What We Will Be Like
Be Peaceful.
Why We Act the Ways We Do:
Hearing Is Believing
The sense of hearing
the curiosity of the soul.
The Color of Love
Essential Light
Unaware of Sin
A Crossed Sojourn
“Chaplain Bob smiled as he handed me a ten dollar bill from his wallet.”
His name is Chaplain Bob Miller. I cold-called him, asking for help one day. When he returned my call, he was driving back from the airport with his wife; they had just arrived home from Cuba.
Bob was warm and inviting. He understood my situation. He had a lot on his plate at the time, but he took a couple of moments to meet with me and briefly listen to my quandary. Little did he know,
The Day the Crossed Sojourn Began
“I’m giving you the last bit of cash I have.”
His name is Chaplin Bob Miller. I cold-called him, asking for help one day. When he returned my call, he was driving back from the airport with his wife; they had just arrived home from Cuba.
Bob was warm and inviting. He understood my situation. He had a lot on his plate at the time, but he took a couple of moments to meet with me and briefly listen to my quandary. Little did he know, I hadn’t told him
Continue reading “The Day the Crossed Sojourn Began”