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Blog Posts:

Masters’ Grip On Constant Change

  • Lonesome Glory

    Setting Your Horse Up fore Every Next-Jump

    Feet Out In Front of You;
    Heels: OUT and DOWN!!!

    Blythe Miller
  • The Best Day

    Today is the best day, because tomorrow may never come!

    “You might not make it to tomorrow.”

    Matt Kueffner
  • Charmed Life

    The Inspired

    “We all vaguely deem it to be so; but he only lives a charmed life, like that of genius and poetic inspiration, who communes with the spiritual scene around him, hears the voice of the spirit in every sound, sees its signs in every passing form of things, and feels its impulse in all action, passion, and being.

    Very near to us lies the mines of wisdom; unsuspected they lie all around us. There is a secret In the simplest things, a wonder in the plainest, a charm in the dullest.”

  • The Passenger

    The Passenger by Iggy Pop

    “I am a passenger
    And I ride and I ride

    I ride through the city’s backside
    I see the stars come out of the sky
    Yeah, they’re bright in a hollow sky
    You know it looks so good tonight
    I am a passenger
    I stay under glass
    I look through my window so bright
    I see the stars come out tonight
    I see the bright and hollow sky
    Over the city’s ripped-back sky
    And everything looks good tonight
    Singin’ la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
    La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, la-la
    Get into the car
    We’ll be the passenger
    We’ll ride through the city tonight
    See the city’s ripped backsides
    We’ll see the bright and hollow sky
    We’ll see the stars that shine so bright
    The sky was made for us tonight
    Oh, the passenger
    How-how he rides
    Oh, the passenger
    He rides and he rides
    He looks through his window
    What does he see?
    He sees the silent hollow sky
    He see the stars come out tonight
    He sees the city’s ripped backsides
    He sees the winding ocean drive
    And everything was made for you and me
    All of it was made for you and me
    ‘Cause it just belongs to you and me
    So let’s take a ride and see what’s mine
    Singin’ la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
    La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, la-la
    Oh, the passenger
    He rides and he rides
    He sees things from under glass
    He looks through his window’s eye
    He sees the things he knows are his
    He sees the bright and hollow sky
    He sees the city asleep at night
    He sees the stars are out tonight
    And all of it is yours and mine
    And all of it is yours and mine
    Oh, let’s ride and ride and ride and ride
    Singin’ la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
    La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, la-la
    Singin’ la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
    La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, la-la
    ◦ Is a

  • Take Rest for Your Soul

    Words of Solomon:

    “For wisdom will enter your heart,
    and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
    Discression will protect you,
    and understanding will guard you.”

    PROVERBS 2;10-11
  • The Symposium

    “According to Greek mythology,
    humans were originally created with four arms,
    four legs
    and a head with two faces.
    Fearing their power,
    Zeus split them into two separate parts,
    condemning them to spend their lives
    in search of their other halves.”


  • Solomononic Observation

    “There is a kind of sadness that comes from knowing too much, from seeing the world as it truly is. It is the sadness of understanding that life is not a grand adventure, but a series of small, insignificant moments, that love is not a fairy tale, but a fragile, fleeting emotion, that happiness is not a permanent state, but a rare, fleeting glimpse of something we can never hold onto.
    And in that understanding, there is a profound loneliness, a sense of being cut off from the world, from other people, from oneself.”

    Virginia Woolf
  • Stay in Character

    Always Remind Yourself

    “You must not lose faith in humanity.
    Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

  • The More Wisdom, the More Sorrow

    “For with much wisdom comes much sorrow;
        the more knowledge, the more grief.”


    Well stated.

  • Above the Sphere of His Sorrows

    “Man longs to live in comfort and pleasure, but nature, who knows better what he was made for, gives him toil and painful strife so that he may raise himself above the sphere of his sorrows.”

    ©️1984; The Economics Press
  • Biker Bar

    In The Pit

    Living the dangerous life, my psyche is always right at home within my own skin whilst dancing in synchronicity with the turmoil in the throws of the Punk-Rock pit.

    Chip Van Hassel
  • Ram Pump


    Published: Sep 2, 2019 |  Printable Version (PDF) | 
    W. Bryan Smith
    LGP 1017

    3/4-inch hydraulic homemade ram pump

    Figure 1. A 3/4-inch homemade hydraulic ram pump made with PVC fittings. Water flows from right to left during operation. Image credit: W. Bryan Smith, Clemson University.

    One of the more challenging aspects of developing pasture and grazing land is providing access to a reliable water supply for livestock. In some cases, existing streams, creeks, or ponds provide drinking water for the livestock. When a surface water source is not available, wells can be drilled and pumps installed to provide water for the animals. In some instances, surface water may be available, but not accessible to the livestock due to water quality issues, steep access slopes, or fencing issues.

    Read More

  • Unseeable Cognitive Dissonence

    Faith and Justice pretend to be equal.

    Chip Van Hassel
  • Fruit of the Spirit

    No Law Against Kindness

    “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 

    Against such things there is no law. 
    Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 
    Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

    Galatians 5:22-26
  • Kind Words

    Mouth of Righteousness

    “Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”

    JAMES 3:18
  • Narrow is the Door

    Only Narrow is the Crossroads

    “But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

    MATTHEW 7:14
  • Honest Hands

    A Man Who Still Hath Two Hands

    “Better to be lowly in spirit along with the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.”

    PROVERBS 16:19
  • Proud of Heart

    PROVERBS, Chapter 16

    “The Lord detests the proud of heart.
    Be sure of this.
    They will not go unpunished.”

    PROVERBS 16:5

  • One Man’s Conundrum

    The Face Which Tries to Look at Itself

    A man interprets, “doing the Lord’s work,” as living as the example of compassion and unconditional love. The man knows that, “the ultimate answer,” is to love the Lord above everything else.
    The man deems the act of loving himself as being the most selfish action a man could possibly undertake. (PROVERBS 16:5) The man, rather, deems that sacrificing himself for the sake of the happiness of others is, “doing the Lord’s work.” The man fails to actively share the love with himself which he yearns to share with others. In order to become the light of God for others, the man must learn to love the one person whom he deems to be most unworthy of such unconditional love!* This man has trained his mind to employ self-sacrifice over self-love. His neurons tend not to carve-out the necessary pathways to the doors- beyond which the candle of truth flickers relentlessly for eternity.

    *The man is unforgivingly judgmental of himself.

  • Equine Inactive Side of Infinity

    The Equine Inactive Side of Infinity

    Refers to a stagnant mental process.

    Infinity expands perpetually from one point in all directions.

    Example of a Horse Stuck in the Inactive Side of Infinity:

    A horse who slow-walks off of the track with the intention of being near other horses who are acting-up, therefore, giving them an excuse to act-up as well.

    The Horse’s Reason for Doing This:

    It Is Three-Pronged

    1. The environment the horse is returning to is abusive, depressing and negligent. The horse is walking slow, because he or she knows that this is the only twenty minutes they will be away from that hell-hole; and

    2. the horse is frustrated and unhappy, expressing these emotions by physically having a tantrum.

    3. The horse wants to feel alive to use his or her body in an athletic sense. Racehorses are locked in their stalls for twenty-three hours per day, and the only they feel alive is when they are outside, bucking and playing. Racehorses never get to buck and play, so they display this frustration in ways which are dangerous and (mostly,) I enjoyable for the rider.

    The “slow-walk,” to and from the track are directly the result of depression. Humans do the same thing in their minds. Recall a moment when you are experiencing depression- how you spin the same thoughts around in your head, purposely, “slow-walking,” your mind down the same, depressing road.

  • The Attractive Dilemma

    Young Women- What They Want

    “What is the dilemma with all of these young women being attracted to you?” Charlie asked me.


    “All they want from me is sex, Charlie; … a quick night of passion of animalistic hedonism.”

    Charlie smirked at me brightly.

    “They are looking for that amazing action which changes their world-view.” I continued. “They are not looking for a husband to commit to or to hold on lonely nights.

    They are always keeping their options open, remaining open for the next man who has just a little more money than the last.” I told him. “I have money, even though I pretend to be poor. It keeps the dishonest ones away.”

    “I understand.” Charlie agreed. “So, what’re you going to do about it?”

    “Nothing.” I said bitterly. “Abstinence. I am looking for love, not sex, Charlie. Call me gay if you want. I am sincerely old-fashioned.”

    I went on to explain, “These girls go out at night all, ‘dolled-up,’ wearing tight dresses, hunting to Fuck! And that is all they want- to Fuck- then, move-on. The world is the beautiful woman’s oyster. Beautiful women do not have to work a day in their life; they simply need to charm a man who makes enough money to keep them both happy.”

    Charlie nodded in forlorned agreement.

  • Freelance Exercise Rider


    Freelance Exercise Rider

    A person who is paid to ride race horses.

  • What Is Your Dilemma?

    We Are Surrounded By Adults Who Think Other Adults Are Authority Figures Over Each Other

    The conundrum is that our fellow adults are still inundated by their childish and immature thought processes which guide their actions. Like a Christian yelling at the world to, “Repent!” I find myself screaming on the street corner, wearing a sandwich-board sign that says, “The End Is Near!” … telling my fellow man that we are all doomed to suffering and failure if we all do not collectively change our ways!

    Society seems leery and scared of me. It is as if, if I genuinely be myself, people would look at me like I was dangerous and crazy.

    The fact of the matter is that they are scared of their own realization of failure, that they purposely and actively deplete the value of their fellow man in order to maintain a dysfunctional status quo, therefore, lowering the worldly standard, making it easier to live at whatever quality of life they deem to be satisfactory.

  • Mid-Life Change

    The Second Library

    I used to scribe allegories all the time. In fact, I view human interaction in an allegorical sense. This inspired creative neurons to establish pathways throughout my brain. I wrote a lot of poetry and philosophical work.

    I viewed the world as an artist does and interacted with it in an, “eccentric,” way.

    Later in life, I wrote politicaly-based work with the intention of inspiring humanity to embrace to develope more productive ways of living, (both physically and spiritually).

    I viewed the world the way a leader would. In fact, in my field, I had studied more extensively, and I had trained my body more intensely, (in the athletic sense,) than my counterparts had. This inspired critical, or judgmental, neurons to create pathways in my brain.

    I scribed a lot of lectures; I wrote two sermons and published a mass of editorial work.

    A Change In Mental Styles

    Growing up being a drummer, I have naturally good timing and understand of the power of music. I have always frequented the, Punk and, “biker bar,” scene. I am accepted and feared in these places.

    Everybody who gravitates to the Punk and the, “biker bar scene,” congregates and dances there because they are all out of place in everyday society.

    Living the dangerous life, my psyche is always right at home within my own skin whilst dancing in synchronicity with the turmoil in the throws of the Punk-Rock pit.

    Dancers We Are!

    We are all simply practicing, “the art of being ourselves!”

    Metamorphosis Of Mentality

    My writing and mentality has changed drastically over the thes last twenty-seven years. There occurred a metamorphosis from the publishing of creative, inspiring and uplifting pieces to the publishing of judgmental, condemning and, even, chastising works!

    My intention has always been to provide some positive impact which aids in the journey of future generations. My offerings are usually fact-based, aggressively-timed and seemingly harsh; however, they remain long-thought-out and righteously inspired.

    Like a single parent disciplining a room full of children, my admonishments have usually been met with resentment and fear, followed by aggression, rather than understanding and correction, followed by gratitude.

    No, I am not surprised! (Well, not anymore!)

    The path of the warrior is a strange one when you are returning to your village, covered in the blood of men whom you have slain in mutual, combat; …. returning to a people which praises you for killing, even though those same people have taught you (your whole life,) that killing is wrong!

     Woe to those who call evil good
        and good evil,
    who put darkness for light
        and light for darkness, …

    ISAIAH 5:20
  • Conversations With Don Adams

    I Miss the Phone Calls we Used to Have.

    Don never calls me anymore.

    Even though, it used to be the same conversation every time, I miss it.

    I’d start by saying, “Hey, Don! How ya doin’?”

    “I’m good, Chip, how ‘bout you?” He’d smile.

    “I’m good.” I’d say. Then, I’d ask, “Wha’ cha doin’?”

    “Just sitting here in the truck.” He would always answer.

    Then, I would inquire, “Did you have a cup of coffee this morning?” I know that two of his little joys in life are drinking a cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette.

    “Yea,” Don would say. “I went out and had a cup of coffee; got a pack of smokes. Now, I’m just sitting here in the truck, looking at the trees and listening to the birds; enjoying the day.”

    Then, I would ask, “Did you have anything to eat?”

    “Not yet,” Don would say. “My nephew might bring me a plate of food later when he gets off from work.”

    Most of the time, that was the entire conversation.

    Sometimes, it would continue like this, with Don saying to me,

    “You know, I was just thinking about you before you called!”

    “Oh, yea?” I would say. “what were you thinking ‘bout?”

    Then, Don would tell me what was on his mind, and when he did, our conversations easily flowed for an hour and a half or more!

    Don is a wise man. I miss our phone conversations, even though the were usually simply, brief small-talk.

    Minor family “Nurse” with her diary
    By: Japhy

  • With Thine Heart, Trust

    He Shows the Way

    “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

    In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

    PROVERBS 3:5-6
  • Sodium Love

    All Four Seasons

    “Let your conversation be always full of grace,seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”


  • The Choice

    It Is A Choice.

    “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 

    Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 

    And over all these virtues put on love,which binds them all together in perfect unity.

    Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. 

    Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. 

    And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

    COLOSSIANS 3:12-17

  • Rust of Change

    Rust of Change

    Once you see it, you need to keep it a secret that you know.

    It is impossible to Un-know anything,
    just as it is impossible to conceal that you know.

    So write, in allegory, this game of word-association.

    Like pigs and Larger Bretheren, always seeing the watch is on,

    both hands on the zero o’clock.

    Cross-section of culture reveals orientation, straight grain; oiled gears squeak not.

    Rusty stops, looks brown.

    The touch of the air against molecules of water, chemical change, flaking off, metal turns; played-with-fire burns. The teller of the truth really never learns.

    The silent mind churns, unseen.

    All continents are holy lands, differently nested than the number of terns.

    Jibberish, up above.
    Shiverous- the, “shut-up!-” Shove!

    Protecting the fellow man is a strange gamble.

    The in-breath is the only tangible preamble.

    Japhy, June 22, 2017
  • The Great Teacher
  • Give Thanks

    Today’s Verse:

    “I will give you thanks,
    for you answered me;
    you have become my salvation.

    The stone the builders rejected
    has become the cornerstone; …”

    PSALM 117:21-22

    Tossed Stone?

    Related Readings:

  • What is Beauty?

    Peering Over At a Beautiful, Young Woman,

    Japhy asked himself,

    “What is beauty? Is beauty simply pure happiness?

    Is beauty a perpetual looking-forward to the unexpected future?

    Is it a vicarious enjoying of some imaginary moment?

    As if men wearing roller skates are technically vehicles,* a man day-dreaming of marrying the beautiful bartender and living the, “afternoon life,” with her- watching the kids play in the yard with the puppies, knowing that your, “ace in the hole,” is the fact that you have, “won life,” by bagging the most beautiful woman in the town!”

    After that, Japhy went down to sit indian-style beside the constant rippling sound of the river, meditating.

  • Regret

    The Chains of Regret

    Regret is poverty of the soul.

    Forgotten Statues” by Dakkuan