Month: January 2022
The Dumb of Today
Every time the Evil Doer ventures through the world to make his mark, the lesser evil souls come out to dance and rejoice by way of stupidity.
Christopher Van Hassel
Keynote 1
“That much gathers more is true on every plane of existence and that loss leads to greater loss is equally true.”
Charles F. Haanel

New Jock Fu focus:
Shin-Splints pressing down- Triangle down to between Pinkie Toe and Ring Toe And between Big Toe and Second Toe; plus (front stomp kick) Heel
Next week: using that “power-whip” to empower “blocking forearms”
Anxiety Relief
The Train conductor just told me, “You should start smoking pot!”
Wisdom of Success
“Boys chase women. Women chase men. Men chase success.”
Fitting Quote of the Day
“You don’t have to go home; but you can’t stay here.”
Donald Cusick