Only Narrow is the Crossroads
“But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
“But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
“Better to be lowly in spirit along with the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.”
“The Lord detests the proud of heart.
Be sure of this.
They will not go unpunished.”
“…His neurons tend not to carve-out the necessary pathways to the doors- beyond which the candle of truth flickers relentlessly for eternity.”
A man interprets, “doing the Lord’s work,” as living as the example of compassion and unconditional love. The man knows that, “the ultimate answer,” is to love the Lord above everything else.
The man deems the act of loving himself as being the most selfish action a man could possibly undertake. (PROVERBS 16:5) The man, rather, deems that sacrificing himself for the sake of the happiness of others is, “doing the Lord’s work.” The man fails to actively share the love with himself which he yearns to share with others. In order to become the light of God for others, the man must learn to love the one person whom he deems to be most unworthy of such unconditional love!* This man has trained his mind to employ self-sacrifice over self-love. His neurons tend not to carve-out the necessary pathways to the doors- beyond which the candle of truth flickers relentlessly for eternity.
*The man is unforgivingly judgmental of himself.
the. “Slow Walk”
Infinity expands perpetually from one point in all directions.
A horse who slow-walks off of the track with the intention of being near other horses who are acting-up, therefore, giving them an excuse to act-up as well.
“Beautiful women do not have to work a day in their life; they simply need to charm a man who makes enough money to keep them both happy.”
“What is the dilemma with all of these young women being attracted to you?” Charlie asked me.
“All they want from me is sex, Charlie; … a quick night of passion of animalistic hedonism.”
Charlie smirked at me brightly.
“They are looking for that amazing action which changes their world-view.” I continued. “They are not looking for a husband to commit to or to hold on lonely nights.
Continue reading “The Attractive Dilemma”A person who is paid to ride race horses.
The conundrum is that our fellow adults are still inundated by their childish and immature thought processes which guide their actions. Like a Christian yelling at the world to, “Repent!” I find myself screaming on the street corner, wearing a sandwich-board sign that says, “The End Is Near!” … telling my fellow man that we are all doomed to suffering and failure if we all do not collectively change our ways!
Society seems leery and scared of me. It is as if, if I genuinely be myself, people would look at me like I was dangerous and crazy.
The fact of the matter is that they are scared of their own realization of failure, that they purposely and actively deplete the value of their fellow man in order to maintain a dysfunctional status quo, therefore, lowering the worldly standard, making it easier to live at whatever quality of life they deem to be satisfactory.
We are all simply practicing, “the art of being ourselves!”
I used to scribe allegories all the time. In fact, I view human interaction in an allegorical sense. This inspired creative neurons to establish pathways throughout my brain. I wrote a lot of poetry and philosophical work.
I viewed the world as an artist does and interacted with it in an, “eccentric,” way.