Caffeine is a Drug

Caffeine thins the blood, increases the heart rate and over stimulates the nervous system. Caffeine is an appetite suppressant, and it is also a diuretic- a dangerous combination: not eating, but taking laxatives causes diarrhea and dehydration. Malnutrition combined with an overly stimulated nervous system,

in conjunction with lack of exercise and sleep lead to psychological dysfunction. This dysfunction allows for self destructive habits and loss of many skills- both mental and motor.

The above mentioned dysfunction interacts with addiction, rather than creating it, and invites addiction to be a pseudo-medicine, but the person fails to admit that it is not medicine, caffeine is a drug. How one physically handles caffeine derives only partly on the psychological effects of the drug, but physical ability seems to start within the mind. Genetic disposition and past experience aid in shaping our mentality, but it is our mentality that ultimately shapes our mentality.

The key to life is putting positive mentality into physical action. The key to overcoming addiction is to physically stop doing the drug (or activity) first. After changing one’s physical habits, then can one begin to mentally recover.

One day at a time.

Addiction can be irradiated and almost forgotten. There is no question. But one physical act supporting addiction builds the frame for the house of addiction. Notice, the frame pays no mind to the fact that there is no foundation.

How easy it is to build a new foundation and build anew! Or, maybe it is simpler than that. Maybe to quit coffee, I just had to stop fuckin’ drinking it.

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