Horse Archetypes

Most counterproductive behaviors which racehorses exhibit are the result of being taught these behaviors by freelance exercise riders.

The Puller/ Leaner


This horse pulls on, or, “leans on,” the bit at an intermittent rate, usually grabbing the bit every other stride. Instead of engaging from behind, pushing-off from behind, then, taking a hold of the bit in front, the “Puller,” first, pulls the reigns out of the rider’s hands with its mouth, (dragging the rider’s center of gravity forward, which negates the rider’s balance and removes the rider’s leverage.) Secondly, the horse pulls it’s body forward, using its front legs, (instead of it’s hind legs,) therefore, never engaging it’s hind legs in order to have a more powerful, spring-filled step.

Cause for Behavior:

Riders never using their leg muscles to support, guide or communicate with the horse.

Riders never squeezing the horse-up-into-the-bridle using their calf muscles.

Negative Consequence:

(Multiple Factors):

– Puts too much pressure on the knees, sesamoids, ankles, the front coffin bones and front cannon bones.

– Horse never developes a solid hind-end

– Horse never learns how to communicate positively using its mouth

– Undue wear and tear on the front end


Sometimes, there is no remedy for a horse that is a, “Puller”.

A lot of horses are, “ruined,” by bad riding, which is, essentially, bad training. The only remedy to correct a, “puller,” is to drop your irons and, “squeeze the horse up THROUGH the bit,” using your calf muscles, applying more pressure with your legs than the horse is applying with it’s mouth.

In other words, squeeze harder with your legs than the horse is pulling with its mouth. Let them know that every pull is encouraged by a, “let’s see what you’ve got,” squeeze with the calf muscles EVERY STRIDE!

The Energy Sucker


Similar to the puller, however, the, “Energy Sucker,” uses every movement of its body to throw the rider’s balance off and to make the rider’s job more difficult by all means possible. This includes both being lazy and being overly ornery as well. It also includes purposely running into other horses, buckets, fans and walls inside of the shedrow, going places where the rider specifically tells the horse not to go and, also, freezing and not moving forward off of the rider’s leg at crucially dangerous times and places.

Cause for Behavior:

– Frustration

– Lack of Love and Purpose in his/her life

Negative Consequence:

It is an awful experience for all!


There is no remedy for the, “Energy Sucker”. Horses are like humans; some humans are purposely difficult- that is the war they forever wage on all beings who surround them. The Energy Sucker is waging a losing war; and the losers are all parties involved, including the horse!

The rider simply, “Gets ‘em around there.”

The Hanger/ Lugger


Cause for Behavior:

Negative Consequence:


The Whip-Arounder


Cause for Behavior:

Negative Consequence:
