Are You Having Licensing Issues with Florida Racetracks
Experience of Licensing Issues with Florida Racetracks:
When obtaining your “Pari-Mutual Wagering General Individual Ocupational license,” you have to fill out an application, (DBPRPMW_3120 ), pay the Florida Gaming Control Commission (FGCC) $117.25 ($37.25 to be fingerprinted, then, pay the FGCC $80.00 to process that application with those fingerprints).
(The FGCC only takes a check or a money order as payment.)
Your fingerprints are submitted either by paper cards or a digital “Live Scan”.
After paying for the application process, the FGCC hands you a temporary license.
If your fingerprints are submitted via, “Live Scan,” a Transaction Control Number (TCN) is automatically generated “at the time of capture,”and is submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).
It may take a couple of days for the FDLE to enter your TCN into their system (it is not immediate!)
After the FDLE has been “completed” verifying that your fingerprints are valid, the FDLE forwards your fingerprint file to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to run a background check.
The FBI, then, compiles a packet and forwards it to the Florida Gaming Control Commission. Then, the FGCC reviews the packet and informs you if more information is required, or if your application is denied (and for which reason(s)); or they will print your temporary license and hand that to you.
This license is used to show at the Security Office where they take your picture and issue you a racetrack photo identification card, called a, “badge.”
The Florida Gaming Control Commission mails your permanent license to the address on your application.
You take your badge, present it to the security guards at the stable gate, and you can Enter the stable area.
Quite simple, isn’t it?,…
If your application is denied, or if you have a “lapse” in your license, the FGCC mails you the reason(s) and which information is required to further consider your application.
If you do not respond to that piece of mail within forty-five days of its postage date, your license application is denied, stating that you have submitted an incomplete application or that you have omitted information which needs to be documented.
If you have ever been denied of a license in the past because of “failure to complete an application,” or, “Submitting an incomplete application,” the racetrack will not grant you a temporary license to give to the Security Office in order to obtain your badge.
6The Florida Gaming Control Commission does not tell you after you have paid the fees whether your license application has been approved or not.
The FGCC does not process the application or the fingerprints at the point of sale.
The FGCC notifies you whether or not your application has been approved only by mail.
NOTE: You provide the FGCC with your email address on your application!
(You have to have this form notarized before you submit it!)
which is a piece of paper with your personal information on it which allows the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION DIVISION OF PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING to send your personal information to the FGCC, which summits such information to their, “Operations Department”. Attached to this form you must submit a, “Request for Waiver,” form (DBPRPMW_3180-Waiver- )
If you are ever asked to submit a, “Request for Waiver,” form, the FGCC will NOT grant you a temporary license. The FGCC tells you, “You have to wait.” When you ask them how long, the tell you, “I don’t know.”
I was told, “ten days or more”.
“I spoke with a man today who informed me that it took five months before they granted his!”
Japhy Ryder
If the Florida Gaming Control Commission ever denies your license for, “failure to complete an application,” you need to start here, then, email and/or call the phone number below.
Contact the Florida Gaming Control Commission Office
The Clerk of the Commission is located within the Florida Gaming Control Commission’s Office of the General Counsel. The Clerk can be contacted in any of the following ways:
Mailing Address: Clerk of the Commission – Office of the General Counsel Florida Gaming Control Commission 4070 Esplanade Way Suite 250 Tallahassee, FL 32399
Filing: Documents addressed to the Clerk of the Commission must be filed with the Clerk of the Commission through one of the following methods:
* By hand delivery to the Clerk of the Commission;
* By US Mail;
* By email to the designated Clerk of the Commission email address or
* By facsimile transfer.
Filings will be accepted from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. EST on regular business days that are not state observed holidays. Any document received by the Clerk of the Commission after 5:00 p.m. EST shall be filed as of 8:00 a.m. on the next regular business day.
Index of Final Orders: The Division of Administrative Hearings is the official reporter for all Commission orders required to be indexed pursuant to section 120.53, Florida Statutes.
The Florida Gaming Control Commission (FGCC) is committed to handling requests to review or copy public records as quickly and efficiently as possible. Requests for public records can be made by calling us at (850) 880-3433, Option 8, e-mailing a request to, or mailing a request to the FGCC, Office of the General Counsel at 4070 Esplanade Way Suite 250, Tallahassee, Florida 32399.
This is a paraphrased email sent to me by the former commission clerk, which may have some helpful information:
“You can submit the forms back to this e-mail ( or by mail.
Florida Gaming Control Commission 4070 Esplanade Way Suite 250 Tallahassee, FL 32399