I can taste the tension with a knife.
Teddy likes her-
Sitting next to me.
It drives him nutz
That I am sitting
in the bar-seat
Right beside her;
Because he was gonna
Swing-on -over
And talk to her.
He sits there,
Taping his fingers
Out of impatience of his own self.
Now, that I got to typing this,
She has noticed me;
And even her boyfriend
“On – To – Me;”
She digs me;
And Teddy sees this;
It is driving him physically crazy.
She has just tapped-in to the
Idea that
I might be thinking of her.
Now that she has
Seen me go-on typing- …
She has no idea that I
Am writing about her at this exact
Moment in time.
The irony is:
She is trying to get my
attention whilst
I am tending to acquire her attention.
She is so bored with the guy
Talking to her right now.
She is curious what I am
Typing into my phone right now.
Yes, she does, “It,”
For me. For now.
Do I do, “It,” for her? …
For this exact moment, …