the Senate is number, one, but the House is always just busy doing the, “number, two!”
Who Is Congress Doing the, “Number Two,” all over?
Journal Entry
Wednesday January 29, 2025
14:32 HRS
70°F sunny, windy
The True, “Me”
Bible Verse: MATTHEW 7:6
Everybody projects their best, “self,” out to the rest of the world. We attempt to mold people’s expectations of us according to the fabrications in our heads, (or fabrications of expectations which we deem to exist in other people’s heads about us).
This as a natural instinct in response to the ever-changing minds of the other humans around us. It is a social construct.
Most People are NOT Like Me.
I do not fit into that social construct. I have lost the expectations I had of myself when I was younger; and I have been disappointed, time and time again, when other people do not live-up to their word or change their expectations of me.
Therefore, I have lost, not only the expectations I used to harbor of other people, but I have also relinquished my interests in the former expectations which I had relegated myself to.
Call That A Mid-Life Crisis If You Want, But I Call It An After-Mid-Life-Crisis-Hump!
I have less expectations of myself and nearly zero expectation of other people. When a person has no expectations of himself or the people around him, that person does not respond to other people in the ways which everybody else typically projects their personalities out into the world.
This way is different from most peoples’, because most people view, “apathy,” simply as being, “un-caring,” or, “not emotionally affected by a situation”.
However, to a person who has experienced trauma repeatedly throughout their lives, their type of, “apathy,” is completely different from the average person’s apathy!
As for the last kid being pointed at and laughed at because he is the last one picked for kick-ball, traumatized people have felt and understand what is going through that kid’s head! Therefore, our apathy is not for the kid who’s picked last, but for the lack of love from those people who have picked the kid last!
I am much different from the finger pointers and those laughers- they who chose the poor kid to be last!
Ironically, for that ^, (their own actions,) I am shunned from their social construct!
Why Aren’t Most People Like Me?
When you do a job better than expectations or do something nice for (certain,) people, (these days,) most People expect you to expect some sort of overly-inflated return for that kindness.
Therefore, it is, now, normal to, “instinctively,” refrain from, “going that extra mile;” or, “lending an extra ear,” to a stranger in need!
For me, apathy has set-in. Survival instinct compels me to suppress my being aware of all of which I am aware of, (dictionary definition of, “cognitive dissonance”).
More and more, as people around me bury their heads in their phones or are so encumbered by all of their time and their spiritual energy being commandeered by their work, do not read the laws which are bing passed right now.
They are not reading the text of the papers which the House of Representatives and the Senate, then, the President are voting into law. …. Does this concern me? …. No. …
The more you expect from this world, the less you will receive.
The less you expect from this world, the more you will understand.
-Chip Van Hassel
Friday, January 24, 2025
10:09 HRS
41°F windy, sunny
Out of Few Come Many
Last night was not too cold.
The wind has become less aggressive as the brisk winter-front dusts northern Florida and Louisiana with snow!
Bible Verse:
A pastor once told the congregation to, “Journalize the Bible!” I understood what he meant. I have simply not done that. It does, though, say, in PROVERBS,
Many people in the horse racing business are always plotting; … making trouble! Usually, it is the pencil pushers, the desk jockeys and the clipboard carriers who make the trouble.
The reason they do this is because they are less capable than other people. Indeed, they attempt to surround theirselves with people of lower value, who lack ability, but they cannot find enough similarly incompetent people; so they plot schemes and create a haphazard environment, causing any self-respecting professional to eventually redress grievances. Thereafter, they are labeled as, “The Problem”!
Yes, the person, in this business, who points out faults with the intention of bettering the business, (as a whole,) is always the one pushed, (chased, rather,) out of the barn and treated as a complication and a difficult person, rather than being recognized as a well-thought-out proponent of the vested interests of the entire racing industry as one, whole mechanism!
Every place I have been, (most recently, Kenny McPeek’s,) every time I have put-forth the correct amount of effort to better the product and the industry, my coworkers, and, especially, the assistants and people above me, (including the trainers in many cases,) begin to chastise me and attempt to gaslight and to project upon me; because they do not understand the realm of perfection which I have already experienced, which inspires me to share it with everybody I meet for the rest of my life!
Perfection is frowned upon and shunned!
Kenny McPeek’s assistants even told me, “Yeah, every time I think I’m doing a good job, the next day, I come in, and it feels like I am just waiting to get fired! Every time I put-forth a good effort to make this place better, the people around me freak-out, and it feels like I’m just going to get fired!” (Paraphrased)
Be Advised:
That’s right, after you have been to the top, you begin to think and act differently. Your expectations of the people around you become heightened; therefore, your level of disappointment in your fellow man is heightened in congruency with that raised level of expectation!
On a Different Note:
I have not written poetry in over fifteen years. I used to write pages and pages of it when I was in my teens and early twenties! As my realizations and expectations have changed over time, so has my writing style and my reading preferences. I stay completely away from fiction. I study a lot of history, political history, Masonic shit, religious and philosophical shit as well.
I have come to understand that the Masons are the only ones who truly know history as it actually happened and that the secretes of freemasonry are merely the Truth about reality more than anything. It is not, “ha, ha,” funny that they have collectively, purposely hidden the shape of the world from their neighbors’ children, and even their grandchildren (at this juncture); yet it is funny in a peculiar way!
This, “peculiar way,” is, in fact, their intentionally refusing to know the truth and to purposely push lies that they, themselves, don’t even believe! These people know that they do not know the truth; and they are happier with being aware of their ignorance, in the stead of feeling (self)-discontent for their willful ignorance. This is the result of pure, natural stupidity!
I admit that my most recent studies have been comprised of studying graphs of the stock market, trying to see and understand the patterns of the price fluctuations of the stocks.
My buddy, Travis, has turned $150.00 in to $1,600.00 in the last five months; and, if he cashes in 495 shares of PTLE at $14.25, he will have proved a profit of $6,903.75! …. In five months off of a one hundred and fifty dollar investment!!!
I still own 8 shares of PTLE.
I also own 1 shares of DVN, but I am down $36.00, because Robinhood charged $100.00 to transfer my account from them to Fidelity. ACTUALLY, that is a LIE! They did not charge me; what they did was, create a negative $100.00 balance, transfer that negative balance to Fidelity; then, Fidelity charged me that $100.00. …. It is all a scam! I am simply going to wait for the stock to make-up for that loss; at which point, I am going to find a more legitimate way to play the market!
I used AutoPilot to see that Nancy Pelosi purchased one million dollars of stock in Vistra Corp, tempted to buy one share with the last $190.00 I have!
Crazy, isn’t it?!
The plan is to start making money tomorrow and the next day, somehow.
I have been keeping an eye on President Donald Trump’s Executive Actions. I am entertained by the whole, horrifying deal!
If he survives the next four years, it would be a feat of security, vigilance and a testament to how capable and amazing Men are (specifically on the battle-front)!
It was the driver, Bill Greer, shooting a pneumatic pistol with his left hand:
Watch the Driver in the video below!
When Jackie tried to climb out of the back of the car, she stoped and ran away from the secret service member! She turned back around and got back into the limousine and hunched-down on the floor!
“They killed Jack”. She said. “They,” meaning the Secret Service!
Today is going to be another day of mental organization- of writing in my daily planner and notebooks; sticking post-it notes, in procrastination, in specific places in my daily planner. It is going to be an administrative day, of sorts. I am bracing for tonight’s 31 degree weather! Contemplating removing my stuff from storage; but, knowing the money, time and energy involved in such an endeavor, I shall be putting-it-off one, more day, as I have for the last two years!
My complacency has become stagnancy!
It did, though, take me two hours and forty minutes to type what you have just read!
Don Adams Studies:
I was doing some research for my friend, Don Adams. Our research had compelled me to contact the George Washington Presidential Library, requesting a letter written by George Washington Parke Curtis, (President Washington’s step-son,) to Lawrence Lewis, dated, June 20, 1846.
What I want to find in the letter is correspondence regarding Lawrence Lewis’ desire to be relinquished of the responsibility of being one of the only two, surviving executors of President George Washington’s estate.
According to this SOURCE, “…Nearly half a century after Washington’s death, with all of the executors but George Washington Parke Custis dead, no final settlement of the estate had been reached.”
Washington’s Presidential Library responded with the following email; and photos of the letter are below.
“This afternoon, I invested about $23.00, purchasing 8 shares of PLTE and placed a stop limit order to sell at $14.24, getting out just one penny before my buddy, Travis, (who clued-me-in on the stock,)…”
Journeyman’s Journal
Thursday, January 23, 2025
14:45 HRS
48°F windy, cloudy & cold
Day of Waiting the Cold out in Ocala
Spent the night under blankets to survive the thirty-five degree temperature. Woke up well after sunrise; and the wind still blew as it does now, as it did last night.
Tarp Fingers in the Sky!
The flapping of my tarp, overhead, reminds me of a flag made of thin fabric which surfs upon the treacherously wailing wind, waiting to rip and tear, to become tattered to fly as fingers of listless strings, waving irratically in the wind; losing theirselves, piece-by-piece, with every blast of time-intensifying, cold breeze which ravages the woven fabric into martyr-like shreds of disappearing embers into the grey, Florida, winter sky.
Starbucks Oligarchic System Defeat! (POWER UNLOCKED!)
Yesterday, I spent over five hours at Starbucks typing and researching; getting caffeine-high as fuck as the fourth coffee rolled around!
I have defeated their system! …. At Starbucks, after you purchase a coffee, the refill is $0.54. So, I just buy a large and keep paying fifty-four cents for a refill, saving me an average of $15.95 every time I visit!
I suffered quite the headache in the evening as the result of downing five coffees in five hours and not eating a single thing! (That was last night.)
Stock Market Venture
This afternoon, I invested about $23.00, purchasing 8 shares of PLTE and placed a stop limit order to sell at $14.24, getting out just one penny before my buddy, Travis, (who clued-me-in on the stock,) sells his 495 shares! He is convinced that the stock will hit $15.00; but I contend that most people will get out around $11.48. (Don’t ask me why.).
I also placed a limit buy order on VST if the price drops down to $190.00 per share, to buy one share; and the offer expires by 4pm, today; (and it did expire). My intuition tells me to leave all of my money in there and to find a similar stock, such as in companies like: NVIDIA, which is at $146.23 right now. I need to do more stock research.
I got a kick out of watching events at the Oval Office. One of them being this one: