What is a, “Chi Ball”?
A Chi Ball, or Chakra, is from the Sanskrit word for, “spinning wheel,” referring to the spinning wheels of light within the energy body. (SOURCE page 205)
Describing a ball of Chi is impossible, so it takes imagery and willingness to accept the idea to understand.
FIRST, What is a ball of Chi used for?
Simple Answer:
It gives a focus to come back to so that you can train our mind to train itself.
SECONDLY, How big is a Chi ball?
Simple Answer:
There is no simple answer, because Chi balls are an example of Euclidean Space.
Complicated Answer:
There is no definite size of a Chi ball, because it an efferent happening. It expands. It always has its optimum size for potential energy. Regardless of its size, the Chi ball grows more and more dense from the inside (to) out.
The circumference of the Chi ball is not a wall, but an elastic condenser and releaser of Potential Energy.
Advanced Practice:
How To “Move” Chi Balls
This is a misnomer, because we not move Chi balls; their sickness moves if proper dynamic and imagery are employed.
Describing the suchness is complicated. This is my current understanding from self-taught practice.
All Chi balls are constantly spinning. Envision a ball the size of a tennis ball located two inches below your diaphragm. The outside of this tennis ball is like a call wall, and, from inside, starting from a needle point in the center of the ball, there is a circulating energy which spins both in harmony with and exercises with your breathing. This needle-point expands by condensing from the inside, and grows more dense. There is a moment after the in-breath and before the out-breath which is crucial for Chi development. Suspending this moment, using roper breathing techniques, amazing results occur both physically and mentally! These breathing techniques are exercises of muscle; and these exercises are what allow that needle-point to become the size of the tennis ball. The surface tension of the tennis ball both holds the (expanding energy {Euclidean Space,} in, but also collects, stores and uses that energy to expand itself as it expels and transfers energy.
Like a twisting motions constantly throughout the day, this Chi can be felt, built-upon, and is calming, relaxing and humbling. As there are cycles in life, Chi balls are built to dissipate to be built again. As the human mind needs sleep, detachment from Form and Technique is the key to Mastery.
This, “tennis ball,” is only one Chakra, and there are many located throughout the body. They are individually condensed and grown.
Point of Impact of a Strike
Chi Balls are the point of impact of a strike and all blocks. They are solid from the expanding-inside-to-out energy; and they transfer their expanding energy through the target like the snap of a whip.
February 9, 2013
Each Chi Ball is built individually, and they work in unison with each other. The Earth Energy constantly pushes up, and the tricep Chi balls (solid) can be constantly pressing down on the Tennis Ball of the diaphragm- all helping each other to exercise- using the breath to condense the energy.