They who say, “We don’t want any Drama,” are precisely being dramatic. It is hypocritical. She went to him and said, “Full disclosure,…
this is my bubble. … We don’t want any drama. I’ve had a lot of people calling me telling me to be careful of you! … I appreciate everything you’ve done around here;… We really don’t want any drama, (yes, she repeated it;)… I don’t want any,… any,… … (she pondered for the ultimate word,) betrayal!”
Chip Van Hassel
That is the shit she said to him! It was the quintessential example of people creating drama by acting dramatically about saying, “No drama!”
{It baffles me no longer when:}
People do exactly what they tell you they never do whilst doing that thing they are saying they never do in order to confirm that they never do that thing which they are exactly doing, however, telling you that they are not doing that while they’re doing it! That is the human condition. …
“Do as I say, not as I do,” as the expression goes!