Early Voting

Now, This:

In regards to early voting:
According to Minnesota, Secretary of State, Steve Simon, “… we are seeing some delays, nationally, with the US Postal Service .” (*1)
Think about that.
Today is the first day of, “early voting”. How are they seeing a delay already when it has not even been 12 hours yet? (Rhetorical query)

The ballots are not even in the mail yet; however, they are claiming, “some delays” are already happening.

According to Minnesota Secretary of State, Steve Simon, the US Postal Service has been advised to identify ballots in the mail and to treat them differently than regular mail.(*2)
Think about that!

If voting day were a federal holiday when everybody gets the day off from work to vote in person; and every vote is counted as it is submitted, the problem is solved. I vote for this candidate; count that vote; report the result in real-time; the chain of custody is monitored in real time.
It is not a complicated process.

The voting process is as simple as the following six steps.
Any other method proves inefficiency, complicity and is subject to suspicion of 18 US code Chapter 115 subchapter 2381.

Voting Simplified:

  1. I show my ID.
  2. The poll worker verifies I am Ellie and have not voted yet.
  3. I cast my vote.
  4. The poll worker adds that vote to the total tally.
  5. The poll worker shows my vote has been counted, and I verify that the candidates I voted for received my vote.
  6. Ensure that the Electoral College has the correct number.

(“1) https://youtu.be/T8ZNMrV_PDc?si=EZ5udhPUGtjMFnTr

(*2) https://youtu.be/4mVacF7Q224?si=7B4s0DFi6P_4tu0I