The essence of the FC Degree is the ablative of means through which Masters operate.
After the intermingling of speculative members with the remaining true operative members (actual stone cutters,) (on or about The month of June in the year, 1717,) action became no longer the essence of their work (I do not include myself, because I do not hoodwink people;) . Therefore, the essence became speculation and not action- thought, not physical work!
Side Note:
(Interesting Observation: there is a new holiday on or about June 16th called “Juneteenth”. There was a time when the Mason Dixon line separated certain things. When blacks were notably NOT accepted members, there was a divide. This divide continues; and it is what the, “Black Lives Matter,” operation is all about.)
Selection used to go the way of Gregor Mendel: one third of the population was (allowed to be,) enlightened. (I believe that is what is suggested in ISAIAH 13:6; Zephaniah 1:14; Zechariah 1:7; and others.)
The Dark Generations, or those never taught the Greater Mysteries, (in my estimation.) were (recently,) from 1991 thru 2003 and also 2010 thru 2018. But…
the lodges hath continued in error from then, knowingly, therefore, grievously, because the newer generations have not venerated the old Masters, and, in conjunction, the old Masters have rescinded from teaching; so the gap of ignorance is no longer sequestered to one or two generations (the new world order,) but it has been peppered-in, (more heavily than not,) with the misdirected population-on-the-whole!
Therefore, selection is no longer as simple as a number, age or generational marker; selection can only be done overtly if the original mysteries are to ready themselves to be learned of.
There is an obstacle in the way of my learning, and the building of our new lodge (ACTS 15:16)- being that the Masters of today are never taught the true mysteries; therefore, The Essence is almost as dead as the original, true word.
There is a sojourner yet to be grasped and raised by the lion’s paw; a sojourner (who is a Knight of the Templar,) needs to be raised outside of any existing lodge, because their Beehive Mind has absolutely corrupted the Craft. Our grandchildren need to be taught our which our children have been neglected to have been taught. The complication in this is that there are fewer and fewer Past Masters who, both, know, (or have been taught the true mysteries,) and fewer surviving Masters who are spiritually inclined to teach those of us who are worthy of such knowledge. “It is time that knowledge became more haccessible to whom those it properly belongs.” (The Day The Universe Changed. Copyright; 1984, James Burke. NY ISBN: 0-316-11706-41. page 337)