Forgotten Statues

Have faith that good spirit shall reign.
In action, when speaking The Great Truth, -The Great Struggle,- compassion is discovered only for the living.

Abracadabra Farm, Ocala, FL

Memorials are erected for the living to be reminded, not for the dead to decorate the streets of their own forgotten statues.
The reminder stands highest in our minds. The forgotten become the lowest soil beneath the foundation. That which is to be forgotten was never finished; and he who hath been memorialized may never forget again. At great loss, humanity gains in continuance. Of great gain, humans remove themselves from humanity, for humanity is a selfish pursuit.
Gain is not derived from loss, however is achieved through Great Loss. In that, great loss has become the state of deep gain, as gold sold in the shops of Germany in 1946 was of questionable origin- the source of that gold- far removed from any sentimental persuasion. How could ever one human life have a dollar amount as a price tag; but how could one toe-tag be the price of gain and not great loss of value?
The funeral of a lived one promotes happiness and good spirit for the living. The dead want us to be happy and for our spirits to be high!
Our action of funeral is a humbling moment. Our compassion is for those who have lost; and our compassion cannot be extended to the deceased; for what use can a dead man make of pity? What struggle can a dead man continue? What memory can he still retain?
Good Spirit in the light of grave darkness must reign in order for humanity to progress, to not regress in disdain. Regret is poverty of the soul.
“What can we do?” You ask.
“What must we do,” you query, “to stop the Great Beast of Destruction?
The answer is not for me to give you; but my understanding- I am compelled and driven to share with you! The answer, though the same as the problem, is to do nothing evil against evil. Retaliation, by nature, (altogether) is too late; the deed has need finished. To retaliate is to wage vengeance. How does killing a murder stop killing the murdered from being killed? How does exacting vengeance teach any lesson other than vengeance? How does doing nothing stop anything? The Great Beast which is before us will be after us, as well! Generations come and go as populations fluctuate- only limited by timely-disasters and wars.
It is no secret that the Third Reich, under Hitler, reduced the world’s population tremendously. In that, there is no secret that today’s population density is unavoidably still the result of the holocaust. That is an example of how small a group of people can control a much larger group of people. It seems, the victims did nothing. It is true; most who were not victims did nothing! A world war waged around that atrocity!
While some took no action, others devoted their actions to fighting. Doing nothing was a problem for the victims. Doing nothing was the answer for those who feared becoming victims.
In the end, those who killed were not necessarily killed; revenge was never the spirit of the war; liberation was its function.
The Great Breast of the Holocaust is nothing new under the sun; generations to come are both injured by and some still strengthened by it. Being in good spirit is the choice to make- every minute, every hour, every day, every action and every intention. Some things are greater than one man to overcome by force, but no force can overcome the great spirit of man!

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