“Things Are Not What You Had Planned They’d Be!
Keeping myself removed from the world
while being completely enthralled by it
all at the same time
has become my realized paradigm.
It seems I had prepared myself for a world that does not exist.
Chip Van Hassel
Soloman’s words ring true;
this generation does not remember the generation which came before it.
Finding serenity in this realization is my newest task.
I am in the state of shock,
or denial,
over the whole thing!
The world will never be the way it has been teaching itself to be!
For the writer who has no audience,
what is his energy
Is the only fulfillment
of his writing
some inducement of his ego;
or will his prayer be answered?
Will some young buck read his words
and put them to use some day?
Will some young man
employ the words
from the wise men
whom had guided me?
Those men-of-olde
are gone, now,
never to share their wisdom
and guidance
ever again.
For the writer
who has that wisdom
and guidance
to share,
there are no takers,
what is the Take?
-just archive it all?
-be removed from it?
-be immersed in it/enthralled by it?”