Operation Loin Cloth’s Instruction Book

SOURCE: The Black Book
VOICE: Paul, the Tent Maker
Circa: February 1, 2022

Overtly Shining the Lamp of Diogenes Through Example via Action

Notes on reigning-in the Aggressive Power of The G.A.’s Intention:

{This continues The Black Book, as, “The Midnight Ghost,” is but a chapter covered by The Black Book.}


Meritocracy is dead.
How does a (an operative)
Laborer survive
in a selfish (Inactive/Apathetic; speculative) World?

1. Short-Term Advice

2. Long-Term Advice


Which Actions and Mindsets must a man adopt to regulate his passions for his desired outcomes?
After MATTHEW 6:6-8,
Doing what The Good Book says,…

Pass on your orders.

‘Tis a stage! … the world is. In need of a Tyler? Maybe, indeed, three or more! Solomon’s words ring true, as the next generation will not recall the generations which came before us. The generation which came before we did,… they were tough; and they were tough on us!! They maintained a level of courage which seems far, if even few, between; and the organic family concept has become, if not obsolete, but rarely the norm; and this decay, or breakdown, of societal nuances hath propelled into physical existence a human species which interoperates the world by-whole, completely differently than those humans born only thirty years ago. There is, (one would suspect,) a very, very large number of people procreating (at always-increasing amounts,) and are either not teaching their children at all, or they do not act as parents, but as uneducated, unrefined teenagers. The result of that physical reality is what we see now.

the Bible says that, “The meek shall inherit the earth…” As you look around, and whilst you converse with your peers, you find people you have known for a long time, are somehow peculiar to you in the way they interact with the world around them. You feel outnumbered in some sense by people who do not have mutual intentions, either for community, commerce, small town, (or even employing the, “it takes a village to raise the child,” concept,) with necessary due-diligence, harbored by the wisdom of delayed gratification. That, I tell you, is the most perverse metamorphosis I have seen over my lifetime which the “human race,” has spiritually, mentally and physically undergone, and knowingly all along, purposely teaching others what they, themselves, know (however never acknowledge to know) that which is incorrect, detrimentally.