Ore Well 2084

“Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against consciousness expansion.”

The only danger we face in life is acceptance of any way other than the way of the individual. As a doormat cannot wipe its own feet on itself, the common man can only be common when he accepts the norm.

Group mentality is the monarchy of the new era, and freedom is the new terrorist against positive consciousness expansion. The way to change reality is to Be the change within one’s own, individual mind.

Chip Van Hassel

We will never convince the people as a group; we can only convince the people by being an example for the group to follow.

To follow the group is to be a lemming, jumping off of the cliff.

To accept the common man's reality is an individual choice to sleep. 

To awaken, is the greater energy, tapped-in to by free thought and purposeful action.

Wealth can only be distributed when there is a definition of, “wealth”. Distribution only occurs when there are those who distribute.

Subtract “wealth,” from the equation; and subtract distribution from common man’s mentality, and the true answer becomes screamingly apparent.

Modern man- the evolutionary betrayer.

Individuals who are free thinkers will be ridiculed by their current peers, only to be recognized for their genius long, long after their deaths.

Society is never ready for the truth, but Positive thought is always ready for society.

-Chip Van Hassel

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