I’ll never forget how she looked
over the stall wall
at me.
The look of wanting and yearning in her eyes,
“It’s my turn to get out!!!
Chip Van Hassel
Aren’t you gonna get me outta’ here today?
I want to feel the love
and do the things you do with me!…!!!
Where are you going?”
That is how I feel about life
and everything right now.
The Business, The People, The Family-
all left me behind;
and I’m looking over the stall wall
with that look in my eye, going,
“Please, love me!
Why are you walking away?-
this hurts!”
It broke my heart to leave her there!
I sadly walked away with my saddle in my hand.
I almost cried.
I want to cry right now,
thinking about it;
but now’s not the time.
Her name was: …