Written in 2010:
Even though none of it is real,
It makes me so happy.
It seems to grab me
And entrap me.
So Slap me-
Snap me out of this
I am boarding my mind
Chip Van Hassel, 2010
Onto the train
Of helpless intentions.
Loveless expression
Scowels at me
With soul-piercing disgression.
Hot blonde
Thinks everybody’s fond
of her.
But like James Bond,
I need to be heavily shakin’,
Not lightly stirred.
She hangs on
her own-Every-word.
I chuckle at her world-
Her microcosm.
Her personality
Is like flies
swooning around a turd.
I am the late bird.
In need of no worm.
My words never squirm.
With so much to learn,
How could you not
Gaze at the world
Through the eyes of a child?
How can you not perpetuate
Your own era?
Your own wild smile.
As the grasp
Of someone else’s hand
Can be life changing,
A slight glimpse
Into your clandestine eyes
Reminds me how
Life is so intricately amazing.
So giving and happily living,
You bring a party to the room.
As strange men loom,
You boldly collect what is yours;
Then you gracefully leave them
With nothing but your Tune.
In their head
They hum around you
No class they present,
No present do you wrap them-
Your “heart on your sleeve”
Leaves you no reason
To repent.
And my sadnesses
Can be lent
To you for some time.
You can have them all;
I don’t want them back-
Some other guy
Serves the time for my crime.
And as you dig though this grime,
You remind me to laugh;
Because we create and love
A time
Where nothing but smiles
Are left.
Not left behind,
But they’re the only thing left
To do
From You to me-
From Me, Baby,
From me
To You!
So pick up my rock
And search for my clue.
Stake your claim
To this Private Stock,
But don’t forget to leave room.
And it’s coming soon-
The crescent moon.
Craters greater
Than Man’s footprint
Out-live your short span on this earth-
Your Tiny Toon.
And Micky Mouse was no slouch.
He withstands
The test of time.
He and Bugs Bunny-
Giving adults shit funny to find.
This blabber
That comes from me
Is nothing but my nuts ‘n’ honey.
I am a fumbled football;
Grab me up,
And Run me!