“Red Flags
usually Originate
as Green Lights.”
When Encountering an Abusive Narcissist at the Workplace,
Since her little,
“If you don’t let me verbally abuse him, I’ll quit and take the other rider with me,”
Did NOT work,
Let’s see what lies
The Narcissist
Conjures up now!
The Narcissist Lies to the boss, saying that other riders are running into her with their horses. She is simply Lying.
The Narcissist Abuser
Is childish,
Tells people to,
“Shut Up.”
And is a
Mean Person.
Covert Narcissists use two other people to abuse their victim.
They also abuse animals in the process of abusing their human victims.
“A narcissist,
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especially a
covert kind,
will use triangulation
often during their abusive actions. It’s a way to cover
who they really are.
This happens when the victim starts to figure out the true identity of the narcissist.
It’s almost a retaliation from being noticed, actually.”
Wash Rack
Some people use the silent treatment as a tool for exerting power over someone or creating emotional distance. … People who use the silent treatment as a means of control want to
Continue reading “The Silent Treatment”It all started when the narcissist refused to communicate with one of her coworkers.
In doing that, she took away her own ability
to speak passive-aggressively
while telling the victim which horse they were getting on.
The narcissist used the set-list to abuse the victim before every, single horse
using micro-aggressions.
That day when the micro-aggression tool was no longer employable,
the Narcissist envoked the flying monkeys
and the crazy-making
When those did not work,
the Narcissist lost her composure,
and her true self was revealed.
Since the Narcissist cannot prove physical value,
she creates Chaos
in order to show value when she provides solutions to the chaos.
Once you bring an end the the narcissist’s chaos, they create problems and more chaos and send their flying monkeys to attack the victim.