How long does someone have to work to pay his “fair share” to the government?
Until April or May?
Could be even later nowadays.
Imagine how differently people would view taxation if they actually had to
write a huge check
to the government on April 15.”
To That, I respond with This:
I am one of those people who have written a huge check to the government. I Feel Differently than the majority of my fellow man, and it is not my imagination which separates me; it is the experience of writing that huge check and handing it over!
Chip Van Hassel
Our Collogue Went On To Remind:
“People would have the power to withhold funding from our government that is wasteful and corrupt.
However, under the current system, we’re just told to suck it up as they garnish even more of our wages to fund their ever-expanding welfare programs.
It’s the middle class who end up getting shafted the most.
The wealthy have the means to endure heavy taxation. They also know how to hire crafty accountants who utilize various tax shelters. They also know how to lobby the political class. “
Our Response to that statement:
The wealthy are adept in hiring either unskilled workers or migrant workers because they can pay these people a lower wage. This paradigm creates a “Quality vs. Quantity” Culture which births a lower quality of standards, lower quality of output, resulting a lack of quality of Culture.
Chip Van Hassel
“They institutionalized poor – which includes those in the inner city projects, illegal aliens,
or just those who realize that it is more profitable not to work – end up being the beneficiaries of increased taxation, both because they don’t pay taxes, and because they receive government assistance.
Vladimir Lenin said, “The way to crush the bourgeoisie (middle class) is to grind them between the millstones of inflation and taxation.”
Vladimir Lenin
Seems like Biden and the Dems are following his advice!
In order to overthrow a society, the middle class must be destroyed.