The Attractive Dilemma

“Beautiful women do not have to work a day in their life; they simply need to charm a man who makes enough money to keep them both happy.”

Young Women- What They Want

“What is the dilemma with all of these young women being attracted to you?” Charlie asked me.


“All they want from me is sex, Charlie; … a quick night of passion of animalistic hedonism.”

Charlie smirked at me brightly.

“They are looking for that amazing action which changes their world-view.” I continued. “They are not looking for a husband to commit to or to hold on lonely nights.

They are always keeping their options open, remaining open for the next man who has just a little more money than the last.” I told him. “I have money, even though I pretend to be poor. It keeps the dishonest ones away.”

“I understand.” Charlie agreed. “So, what’re you going to do about it?”

“Nothing.” I said bitterly. “Abstinence. I am looking for love, not sex, Charlie. Call me gay if you want. I am sincerely old-fashioned.”

I went on to explain, “These girls go out at night all, ‘dolled-up,’ wearing tight dresses, hunting to Fuck! And that is all they want- to Fuck- then, move-on. The world is the beautiful woman’s oyster. Beautiful women do not have to work a day in their life; they simply need to charm a man who makes enough money to keep them both happy.”

Charlie nodded in forlorned agreement.