WAFFLE HOUSE 02:00 Hours

“we enjoyed each other’s easy company, each other’s eyes smirking at one another,”

“Shirts and shoes must be worn to be served.”

I’m not serving you my shirt! Nor am I going to wear multiple shirts.

My shirts are not for sale!

Drunken Mohabs slother-in,

being the quintessential racket

of attention-mongering-altruism.

The blonde is hot!

Oh, so stupid.

You’d fuck her.

Oh, so stupid!

Her infantile voice shrieks

Straight through

the clappers

That clang

the bell

inside the brain.

From vast ignorance

doth that bell toll

to a place


the wise men’s eyes roll!

Lunatics’ fingers point

towards the tree of wisdom.

Heads, so full

of soft butter,

upon which

no Lord

could anoint,

nor could be viewed

any super vision.

Christine was her name. Christine with a, “C”. She stayed close by me, and we enjoyed each other’s easy company, each other’s eyes smirking at one another, observing the drunken, childish shenanigans going on over at tables three and four. It was a waiting game, together, me and Christine- waiting for the noise to Doppler away and soothe down; waiting for the beautiful time to pass as perfectly as it alway has and (she and I both silently peered to each other the secret that it,) and always will. Pass perfectly- the time. Not, “on by,” but by, on and on.,… She had the intuition that the other waitress and I kept sneaking attracted glances at each other.

We so wanted each other,

that other waitress’s loins and mine,

but this one, waffle-house-night would not be that stand. It could, maybe should, however, unbeknownst to the Great Power, which watches from above, giggling, she’s not my woman, and I’m not her man.

The crowd attempted to refuse to pay. The manager gave zero way.

I was supposed to leave after that third cup of coffee, but Christine’s beauty so Powerfully made me stay! I loved her more that was appropriate to tell.

I usually voice to women how I feel without delay with my sigma-attitude, “What the hell!?” (Why not?) “Say that shit anyway!”

She gave me honey for my black coffee. Golden.

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