What Is Your Problem?

What Is Your Problem?

I guess you could start by asking yourself the question, “What is your definition of who I am supposed to be?”

Let us continue with the root of the dilemma:

We Are Surrounded By Adults Who Think Other Adults Are Authority Figures Over Each Other

The conundrum is that our fellow adults are still inundated by their childish and immature thought processes which guide their actions. Like a Christian yelling at the world to, “Repent!” I find myself screaming on the street corner, wearing a sandwich-board sign that says, “The End Is Near!” … telling my fellow man that we are all doomed to suffering and failure if we all do not collectively change our ways!

Society seems leery and scared of me. It is as if, if I genuinely be myself, people would look at me like I was dangerous and crazy.

The fact of the matter is that they are scared of their own realization of failure, that they purposely and actively deplete the value of their fellow man in order to maintain a dysfunctional status quo, therefore, lowering the worldly standard, making it easier to live at whatever quality of life they deem to be satisfactory.