“Your Aura is made up of your dominant thoughts and emotions
If you have a high vibration, your Aura will be made up of Angels which makes it strong and shielded from negative entities
If you have a low vibration, your Aura will be made up of Demons which makes it weak and susceptible to more negative entities.
No weapon formed against you can prosper if you have a high frequency.
Negativity can only affect you if you are vibrating on it’s frequency.
No car crash, physical dangers, and evil intentions from others can manifest into your life.
Your angels will be protecting you every step of the way because you match their frequency.
This is why nothing is more important than your frequency.
With a high frequency you can GO ANYWHERE and not be harmed.
Fear is a low frequency which attracts outcomes, situations, and people that increase your Fears.
Love is a high frequency which attracts outcomes, situations, and people that increase your Love.
Love overpowers Fear because it is a higher stronger and more energetic frequency than it is.
Thus a Loving High Frequency is your shield and protection against all negativity.
Diseases, Depression, Viruses, Violence, and Evil intentions are manifestations of demons.
Thus when you’re vibrating at a high frequency, you will NEVER get sick or encounter violence/traumatic situations.
Your angels will manifest miracles all around you in the form of FLAWLESS health and immunity.
Lower vibrational entities will be converted into positive entities just by being in your presence.
You will inspire others to raise their frequency simply by being yourself
You will always be in the right place at the right time because you are governed by Spirit.
Your angels are guiding your path with the Frequencies of Love.
Demons can no longer tempt you with their fear and manipulation tactics.