Correct Me If I Am Wrong!
You’ve Heard the Phrase Before:

“Taxation is Theft!”
Why has the American worker allowed for it’s employer to steal from it on the daily basis?
“Taxation is Theft!”
So, after the Doug Fout Debacle, I ended up dealing with the frustrating pain and anguish of dealing with the Florida Gaming Commission.
The red-tape of bullshit brings a man’s tolerance to it’s knees
as he listens to people tell him,
“I understand. I’m sorry, and I understand; but I cannot help you.
Lemme transfer you to somebody else who understands, is sorry, but,… they won’t help you, either!”
Every Asshole on the phone
They act like,
“…with intent permanently to deprive or defraud another person of the use…”
(a) Any person subject to this chapter who wrongfully takes, obtains, or withholds, by any means, from the possession of the owner or of any other person any money, personal property, or article of value of any kind—
Continue reading “Employers Taking Taxes Out of Your Paycheck is a Crime!”
“In him was life;
JOHN 1:4-9
and the life was the light of men.
And the light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness
comprehend it not.
There was a man sent…whose name was, ‘John.’
The same came for a witness
to bear witness of the light,…
He was not that light,
but was sent to bear witness of that light.
That was the true light,
that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”
Give me the Serenity
The Serenity Prayer
to recognize the things I cannot change,
The Courage
to change the things which I can
and the Wisdom
to know the difference.
The world will never be the way it has been taught to be!
Keeping yourself removed from the world
while being completely enthralled by it
all at the same time
has become my realized paradigm.
Make the aura around you flow of purple water-
Chip Van Hassel
It’s current- Strong,
Revolutionary of itself.
When you notice that your focus has been lost,
down through your Sacral Chakra,
Circulating the inside of the chakra;
condensing it’s
outer physical membrane.
“God’s love is constant.”
Chaplain Bob Miller
“Men choose to shine the light of darkness, because their deeds are evil.”
Chaplain Bob Miller