The Narcissist’s game for today is:
Lying Is The Narcissist’s Game
whenever there is no chaos, the Narcissist will create chaos.
whenever there is no chaos, the Narcissist will create chaos.
The Narcissist’s game for today is:
“It was the most fun
Hulk Hogan
I never want to have again.”
“The way you see it
Chip Van Hassel
is only One reality.
has a different reality.
all and/or
could be true
continually and or continuously.”
Covert Narcissists use two other people to abuse their victim.
They also abuse animals in the process of abusing their human victims.
“A narcissist,
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especially a
covert kind,
will use triangulation
often during their abusive actions. It’s a way to cover
who they really are.
This happens when the victim starts to figure out the true identity of the narcissist.
It’s almost a retaliation from being noticed, actually.”
Wash Rack