The Plan All Along

The world will never be the way it has been teaching itself to be!

“Things Are Not What You Had Planned They’d Be!

Keeping myself removed from the world
while being completely enthralled by it
all at the same time
has become my realized paradigm.

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The Status Quo Is Never The Final Solution

“Even from an emotionless, pure utilitarian position we should aspire to make a world as far from slavery as possible, where everyone has sufficient opportunity to achieve…”

“Today thousands of pure geniuses die unknown to the world in the infinite sweatshops out there.

Even from an emotionless, pure utilitarian position we should aspire to make a world as far from slavery as possible, where everyone has sufficient opportunity to achieve what they want.
This will benefit everyone from the fruits of innovation.

The economic institutions we maintained then, and even what we have now,
have prevented
and will continue to prevent us from achieving this equity however…”

Stephen J. Gould

Learning From an Eagle


“1. Eagles fly Alone and at High Altitudes.
They don’t fly with sparrows, ravens, and other small birds.

MEANING; Stay away from narrow-minded people, those that bring you down. Eagle flies with Eagles. Keep good company.

Continue reading “Learning From an Eagle”