The Divergent Talk

A Message to Aspiring Brethren:

The Now Civil War

“It is useless to reason with those whose confidence is not shaken in the face of impossibilities, whose imagination can bridge all gulfs in evidence by fantastic suppositions.”

Arthur Edward Waite; Doctrine and Literature of the Kabala (page 116)
The Now Civil War

As it says in the Bible, in the book of MATTHEW:

“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet and turn and tear you to pieces.”


The Conspiracy of Santa Clause

The most taxing act of any relationship is when somebody speaks the unabashed truth! From Santa Clause to the Easter Bunny to the Tooth Fairy, we are told non-truths as children and expected, as adults, to teach those same lies to the next generation.

Society indoctrinates us to, first, believe lies, then, after seeing the truth, to perpetuate those lies, thus, engraining into society that lying is good and right and done for good reason. Therefore, doing what is wrong is expected of us; and being truthful is not accepted in society.

An example of this is the term, “conspiracy.” The current stigma which controls the agreed-upon definition of that term exists that: he who uses the word is paranoid and beyond reason. The Truth of that word is that, by definition, civilization, itself, or community-living, itself, is a conspiracy; for we all conspire, or work together.

Government, by definition, is a conspiracy- people working together towards a common goal. Furthermore, to use the term, “conspiracy theory,” is ignorant, because we must have only theories, as we know that governments hold closed sessions and have, “Top Secret,” information.

If any man here tonight claims to have zero conspiracy theories, please, excuse yourself as a fool at this time!

As children, after we learn the true name of Santa Clause, we are told to keep the secret from younger children, including our own family! Thus, a child learns that his own parents lie to him and that, if he does perpetuate the lie, he will suffer unknown social consequences!

The reason for this is, indeed, important, however, its affects have corrupted (almost) all societies as a whole! To reason with society on this point and to attempt to change this about society would prove to be utterly useless. What place-marker does this leave for we whose sole, chosen purpose is to live in Truth?

It leaves us the place-marker of being a minority whose flag is but already captured and inaccessible! The war we wage is a silent one, and perhaps, a historically Lost battle at most corners of the earth! Indeed, Santa Clause is fun; but it is a lie! I am not a man who reveals the secret to children, yet I do believe that the most affective plight is to correct from the top- down, from king, first to peasant child, last. No, that is not the way the world works; but ask yourself, “Is this really working?”
Has the fantasyland of the common man kept us out of economic slavery, or has it blinded us of our chains? The fork in the road, Brothers, is afoot! There are three roads to take; all of them are extremes, even the Middle Ground is extreme, for how amazing is human existence after all!

How powerfully deceitful may the Powers-That-Be, be!

Directed at men who have been raised as Masters, this divergent talk is operative and never speculative. Though, still, duly-tiled, our goal is to complete the unfinished work of our forefathers, as it has been tainted and has been desecrated by our fellow brethren even by our approval through non-action!

Now, we sit at the Round Table. The Secret Art is known to us; the bullshit lies have imploded upon themselves. We are the survivors after our fellow brothers’ faulty Temple has begun collapsing upon itself, visibly, in our time, at our age; and we are now called to service for the survival of each other, our families, and, (after The Event,) for all of mankind!

Reason and Wit are our swords. Strength, Beauty and Wisdom are our shields.

Our understanding, together, is surmount! Which fork in the road are you prepared to traverse? Like the olive tree, we branch-out! None of us have been grafted-in; we have proven our true nature; therefore; our root is solid, and none of us sway in the breeze.

There is an Alarm at the Door!

We are Corpus Juris!
We are The Faithful Sheppard!

As Waite had written, “…and in congruence with our oaths and our time-survived traditions, ‘the men of exile,’ sought a consolation in philosophy, and thus produced the higher part of Kabalism, compounded of his traditions, his speculations, his external receptions, his longings, his memories of his election and it’s glory, he must bear in mind that all exotics adjust themselves to their environment, not without certain changes, even in the most persistent types.”

The Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah. Copyright; 2015, Cornerstone Book Publishers; Arthur Edward Waite, (page 36)

As the book of Ecclesiastes ensures us, “There is a time for war and a time for peace.” Yes, that time is now! In this time of love and this time of hate, change is on the horizon! The next generation, ten years from today, shall surpass our access to knowledge in both speed and in equipment. The ultimate task lies before us to restore more rectitude, as religion and morality are not divided from law.

The law is, in fact, divided from morality!

This is why these words you are reading right now are known as, “The Divergent Talk”.
The erosion of morality from the lawmakers’ souls has left-bare the fields and has infused the waters with undrinkable waves! We, Faithful Sheppard’s, are The Divergent, for we are corpus juris in the flesh! The Powers-That-Be have destroyed the foundation of moral code, dismantled the building of community vibe and have killed all who speak truth and who stand in their totalitarian way! Just as it says in the Bible in the book of Romans: “They have torn down our alters and killed our prophets. I am the only one left, and they are trying to kill me, too!”

Yes, Good Brothers, the Powers-That-Be are trying to kill us, too!


To Our Fellow Brethren:

“Stay with me; don’t be afraid.
The man who wants to kill you is trying to kill me, too.
You are safe with me.”

2 SAMUEL 22;23

Morality is in ruins. A cracked cornerstone cannot be fixed. A new cornerstone must be cut and chosen. We must divert from this morally corrupt culture by beginning the Foundation of the New Temple.
By diverting efforts towards accounting for the crimes of evil, we must rebuild the fallen tent of morality so that our children’s children have a place to play! We are The Divergent, because we stand in the way of those who continue to bring the Temple of Morality to ruins. “Children, let us not love with words or speech, but with action and in truth.”

1JOHN 3:18

The time for both war and peace is right now! The need for action and the nobility of Truth is upon us! Though a small tribe, we are all it takes to cut the new stone. Fear not love. Be tempted not by hate. We must lay the groundwork. Our grandchildren have no tomorrow if we fail!

The sacred tradition of secrecy has survived us to this point. The Big Event is known by too many! The evil doers have been blatantly exposed and need to be removed from decision making.

Brothers, none of you sought me out, but I have chosen you! We are the first fruits of the grapevine which shall feed our children and generations to come.

As we have all been ordained; “If part of the dough offered as first fruits is holy, so is the entire batch. If the root is holy, so are all the branches.”

ROMANS 11:16

We branch-out from this moment, extending our olive branch of peace and loving trust. We are not so superior as to take command over the fate of the next generations, but we maintain moral superiority over our Fellow Brothers who, in fact, have! As the Powers-That-Be monitor and control the world from the space up above, we are they, and they are we, as we solemnly know. We, though, are Free Men, writing the Good Book of history.

William Shakespeare reminded us that, “The evil a man does lives after him. The good oft’ interred with his bones.”

The days of rulers like Julius Caesar are over; come I to speak at morality’s funeral!

A Message From the Knights Templar:

As knights of the old order of Knights Templar, “The good deeds which the son of man accomplishes in this world draw from the light of glory above, and he prepares himself a garment against the day when he will enter the world and appear before the Holy Blessed one.”

The Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah. Copyright; 2015, Cornerstone Book Publishers; Arthur Edward Waite, (pages 196-197)

“There are the unwise who behold how a man is vested in a comely garment but see no further, and take the garment for the body whereas there is something more precious (than either) namely, the soul. The last has also its body. Some of the commandments may be called the body of law, and the ordinary recitals mingled therein are garments which clothe this body. Simple folk observe only these garments, ie., the narrations of th law, perceiving not that which they hide. Others, more instructed, do not give heed to the vestment, but the whole body which it covers. And therefore, the wise, the servants of the Great King, who dwell on the heights of Sinai and concern themselves only with the soul, which is the foundation of all and the true law, shall be ready in the coming time to contemplate the souls of that soul which breaths in the law.”

[The Zohar Part III. fol. 152b Mantua edition]; The Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah. Copyright; 2015, Cornerstone Book Publishers; Arthur Edward Waite, (page 205)

“The righteous are the sacrifice and the atonement of the world.”

As the population exceeds peaceful levels, The Big Event looms boldly!

“There will be many signs in the Heavans- stars wearing against the star of the East, after which, the messiah will be invisible for twelve months, and at the expiration of that period will be taken up into Heaven,… He will then reveal himself and wage war against the whole world.”

The Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah. Copyright; 2015, Cornerstone Book Publishers; Arthur Edward Waite, (page 254)

“The Masters have decided that those whose inward part is not like the outward semblance shall have no admission to the house of the docterine.”

[The Zohar Part III. fol. 152b Mantua edition]; The Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah. Copyright; 2015, Cornerstone Book Publishers; Arthur Edward Waite, (page 256)

“If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.”


“When a man is strong on the day of adversity, evil is expelled, so that it cannot come near man and cannot accuse him. He is taken then like the right hand of the throne of Glory, being on the right hand of God. When he is weak, he is but on the left hand… because the strength of evil which the left side rules over man sets aside the throne of Glory.”

The Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah. Copyright; 2015, Cornerstone Book Publishers; Arthur Edward Waite, (page 257)

The human mind is ruled-over by good and evil. Let us not feed the fire of evil and scorch the land of our grandchildren, but be fruitful and lay vibrant, loving, true seed for them to sew.
We choose our road tonight and the next. After that, we keep on choosing. Do we choose Truth or do we choose the Status Quo of stupidity and ruin?

Controlling the Common Man

Society is no stranger to secrets. People are aware that injustice rules-over the highest forms of governments: county, state, federal- All bodies of government struggle to control the common man. Government wins this struggle, for it controls the controls of information. The word, “government,” means, “the control of mentality”. The majority of people are good, honest people- ruled-over by a minority of selfish, evil people. It is not, necessarily, your fellow man who is evil, but the group which rules over him is; and your fellow man is controlled by the evil group.

A hero is not simply a man who does heroic deeds; a hero is borne of a man who betters himself to his fullest regardless of the dangers posed by his actions.

At this Round Table, our work, our craft, is not derived from heroism, but built through Truth, Action.

Is it heroic to speak-up against a corrupt government official who poisons our water?

Where does heroism end and the fate of humanity begin?

When does non-compliance with corruption turn into brave action? How can The Brave take action when we are out-numbered by unintelligent, fear-psychosed masses?

No, Brothers, we are not heroes! We are but Knights of the Round Table, offering protection and support. Indeed, by deed, we take action and support each other. When your sword is down, my sword is up; knowing, in faith, that your sword protects me as mine protects you. When a Brother has fallen, another Brother is there- not to replace him, but to fight and defend in his stead!

Faith, commitment, honor and honesty- leave, “Glory,” to the vain; we seek neither glory nor revenge. We are Juris Prudence. We are Corpus Juris.

Ominus in Numeris Sita Sunt!

E Pluribus Unum.

Semper Fidelis.

Our actions shall rebuild the fallen tent of morality, protecting our grandchildren; for Law and Morality are in ruins- it’s foundation, we now restore!

Abraham Lincoln Said:

“It is for us, the living, rather to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain,…”

The Hero, though viewing dark horizons, also views the Eternal Flame which he carries for his grandchildren.

He shines Light for all to see- to live in harmony and in peace!

Each man serves his own function; but we are ALL of the same root, all branch’s of the same olive tree.

You have been invited to this Round Table for you are all Masters and Free Men.

Though, we serve our own, highest demands, “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything I learned from my father, I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose and appointed you so that you might Go and bear fruit that will last.”
Go, You Brethren; my command is this: “Love one another.”

JOHN 15:15-17 and JOHN 15:17