The Santa Clause Conspiracy

“…The most taxing act of any relationship is when somebody speaks the unabashed truth!”

The Santa Clause Conspiracy

Teaching Our Children to Lie & How To Grow Up To Become Stupid :

By Chip Van Hassel,

Lonesome Glory Publications

June, 2024

From Santa Clause to the Easter Bunny to the Tooth Fairy, our parents told us Lies while we were children.

After that, we are expected to teach those same lies to the next generation of children when we become adults.

Society indoctrinates us to believe lies, then, after seeing the truth, to perpetuate those lies, thus, engraining into society that lying is good and correct and done for good reason. Therefore, doing what is wrong is expected of us; and being truthful is not accepted in society but, rather, shunned.

The most taxing act of any relationship is when somebody speaks the unabashed truth!

Now That The Truth Is Known, Where Does That Leave Us?

Now, we sit at the Round Table. The Secret Art is known to us; the bullshit lies have imploded upon themselves.

We are the survivors, for our fellow brothers’ faulty Temple has begun collapsing upon itself, visibly, in our time, at our age; and we are now called to service for the survival of each other, our families, and (after The Event,) for all of mankind!

Reason and Wit are our swords. Strength, Beauty and Wisdom are our shields.