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A Journeyman’s Welcome

A Journeyman Welcomes You

Peace and Silence

Of the mind

Are skills

Which can only be

developed over time

And with Effort.

Rooted in the Shaolin Kung Fu Temple,

The tree of mastery grows

From hidden and sacred soil.

Secret Techniques

Have been kept secret

Only because they are

Passed down only

to worthy practitioners;

And few human beings

Push themselves to their limit,

Then, attempt to Go Beyond that limit.

Every day life

Is a journey

Throughout which every person

Strives for

Immediate peace and fulfillment.

When Journeymen cross paths,

We Silently welcome each other

By way of Peace-

The craft of camaraderie.

The life-changing study,

Enriched by clarity

And enhanced by

Better Health

Is, indeed,

The Journeyman’s Silence.

The techniques

He has been taught

Cannot be documented fully.

The Secrets

Are secret not by obscurity.

Greater power


Greater Responsibility.

Break on through

To the other side.

“He who knows

Does not speak.

He who speaks

Does not know.”

Lao Tzu

Everybody is Welcome.

Only the quiet few

Are Journeymen.

-Ride Tight


Published by Christopher A. Van Hassel

Shaman of the Equine Heart View all posts by Christopher A. Van HasselOctober 9, 2018

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Dynamic TensionDevelop



Aura: an energy, or light, that emits from a being,

usually described by color

Conditioned: 1.having gained strength through repetitive, percussive and, or elastic exercise over time 2. hardend through pounding or beating or pressing

Efferent: progressing away from the center.

Mantra: a phrase repeated within the mind over over, leaving no room for other thoughts to occur

Dynamic Tension: a self-resistance exercise method which pits muscle against muscle. The practitioner tenses the muscles of a given body part and then moves the body part against the tension as if a heavy weight were being lifted

Activities that used to make you enjoy life on the physical plane:

Hainesport Chip

Keep dojo clean.

Deep Breath Meditation ALWAYS (Monmouth Park Squeeze)


Heavy Bag:

Punches & Kicks,


Play guitar/ Learn new songs



Write in the Black Book


Play Drums

Shoot Hoops

Cap house


Horse stance

Chant/exercise mantra (Delaware Park Cherokee Breath)

Listen to music through a stereo system.

Build web pages

Edit photos/

create birthday cards

Publish writings

Keep up to date with tech./Radio Shak dabblings

Read/Go to bookstore

Pee Shaolin.

Sit Shaolin