Not Acting Like An Idiot

Wearing a jacket with the presidential seal on it is not him acting like an idiot; because he’s not acting at all.

This man, wearing this jacket is just like an actor, wearing a jacket with the presidential seal on it. What functions Robert Ee Niro carried out in his life to dignify him wearing that seal? It is comparable to someone wearing a fake badge or pretending to be something that they are not!

To which industry and in what realm has Robert De Niro dedicated his efforts and time to suggest that he has any direct affiliated with the Oval Office?

When he played mobster roles, we respected him and viewed him as a hard, strong-willed, level-minded tough, scary bad ass!

When we see him speak on television, today, we laugh at him and view him as a weak-willed, mentally imbalanced, frail, pitifully, adolescently humorous hack!

You could come to the conclusion that Robert De Niro appearing publicly wearing a jacket with the presidential seal on it would be foolish, and acting like an idiot,… But… 

No, This guy is not acting!

Physics Questions:

A country so narcissistic, it’s satellites take selfies!

Is the camera on a long arm, using a flash?

 “Look at me! ... I’m in 'space'!” 

Where’s the snapshot of it’s plate of food?

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