Encouragement Blog Draft

New Chip:  Redefining Yourself
Exercise your Breathing Regimen while being a Chaplain/Shaman (Medicine Man, Fire Carrier, Retainer of the light courier of news and a musician. 

Find a new way to become the “Voorhees Chip,” you intend to be. 
What makes you happy:
white notebook


     Through my travels, I have learned that the only way to hear God’s voice, or to receive guidance from God, is to silence our own thoughts. – To shut up (our mind-chatter,) and Listen!   
   As it says in MATTHEW, chapter six: verse six, when you pray (paraphrased) go into your closet and pray in silence, for God already knows what you need to ask for even if you do not know what to ask Him. Do not go out making noise on the streets like pagans, or think that your prayers will be heard by verbose language and long-drawn-out prayers. 
     As Christians and, also, non-Christians, people seek things, however, there remains confusion as to what they are seeking!   Furthermore, that which a man seeks does, indeed, change over time. 

I believe all human beings, (“good,”and evil,”) are seeking the same thing, ultimately, which is:

unconditional love.  

Where does a man find unconditional love? 

     To find that Love, he must search his heart, for there is place where God resides; there is the Temple from which Jesus tossed the tables over and told his fellow men to stop selling merchandise in his Father’s house!  

Many men are selling useless merchandise to their own hearts- this merchandise being those ideas and material things which draw us away from Jesus’ message!

    MATTHEW 6:6-8 is instructive as to how to begin to speak to God and how to hear his unique message intended for each, individual man. As in ROMANS 12:1-21, every man has a different purpose, a different skill; and finding strength lies in recognizing that skill and applying that gift in service to God.  

God has graced me with the gift of writing!  Along with that gift, he has allotted me the understanding of teaching- a gift which, inherently, invites my fellow man to judge me more than most!  “Those who teach are judged more harshly than those who do not teach.” (Paraphrased)

At first, was the word, and the word was with God, and through his word, God created the heavens and the earth. 

SILENCE seems to be the most useful tool to get others to listen. A man who is always talking- the crowd stops listening because he is ALWAYS talking; but a man who is mostly silent, when he speaks, the crowd listens, for they think, “that man has something to say!”  In quietude, we find, not just solace, not just peace, but the “wisdom of old;” for the tower of babble was a place where more language meant less God!  

To young men who choose not to understand, because their questions get in their own way of seeing the Light- The Answer, I suggest the book of ECCLESIASTES, for Solomon shared with us that all things happen under the sun. This is nothing new, and human thought is but a twig floating down the stream of life!!!

As to spare you from my rambling, Eric, below is a copy and paste of how far I have gotten in building a Young Men’s Bible Study. I have been pondering about it for about two years now. 
It began as a sermon I wanted to write, but has developed into a Mission (in the true, Christian, Traveling sense of the Word.)

As a result of this, “YouTube, TicToc society,” I am writing a sermon concerning MATTEW 6:6-8.   Below is a copy and paste of how I wish to go about opening a Bible Study Fellowship:

With Love,

Subject of this message:
Praying In Silence
Praying in Private, or using Silence as the powerful tool which it is to maintain peace within yourself and amongst your fellow man.

Start with food, beverages and light conversation.
1. Tell everybody the structure. :
2. Start by reading a passage.
3 .Background on who writer was.
Who was MATTHEW, briefly?
5. Discussion. Body of Spiritual Oration.
6. Time Limit on Study.
7. Refreshments and Fellowship.
Related Scriptures:
Sacrifice is the first step:
“Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”
Praying In Silence
“ But when you pray,
go into your room,
close the door and pray to your Father,
who is unseen.
Then your Father,
who sees what is done in secret,
will reward you.
And when you pray,
do not keep on babbling like pagans,
for they think they will be heard because of their many words.
Do not be like them,
for your Father knows what you need
before you ask him.”

Midnight Ghost, Post Time. {TONE 
AUTHOR:  Charlie is Diogenes, the Two Hander, Here Am I, Here Am I}
AUDIENCE:  “The Boy of the Wind” {Native American}

(Introduction: New Chip, changed by experience, has now become Charlie; and the Ghost has now become the (blog)journal {of The Black Book} with the TONE of (of having gone through the the shit-city life and is now BACK to the machete in both hands. (Actually- living in the wild for real.)
He has become the Two Hander; and the Post Time is from Diogenes, the TWO HANDER’s Voice, 
⁃ (sometimes, describing what they do not like about Chip, why they don’t and, possibly, where do we go from there?  {ENTER:  THE BOOK OF JAMES}
    The Two Hander is ( I Am) the Sojourning Journalist (scribe-monk), shining The Lamp Of Diogenes, searching the streets for an honest man; and, since he cannot find one, he must humbly become The One, himself. 
POST TIME is the Journal of his Journey (“his,” because, as the seven devils of Gimone, the Two Hander is but one of the personalities of New Chip.  The parallel focus is to intertwine The Bruce Lee Book. 
Diogenes, the Two Hander. 

Lead By Example, not simply by understanding what example you wish to embody, but by Exploring that Wisdom through action/self-actualized practices in plain view. 


{Shaolin Monk’s Three “Selves”:
1.) Philosophical Master (speculate)
Seeing (Empathy)
2.) Physical Master (operate)
3.) Metaphysical Practitioner (objective)

4.) Material  (subjective)
5.) Spiritual
6.)Inert (apathy)
Smelling (Memory)

Activities that used to make you enjoy life on the physical plane:

Hainesport Chip

Keep dojo clean. 
Deep Breath Meditation ALWAYS (Monmouth Park Squeeze)
Heavy Bag: Punches & Kicks, stretch
Play guitar/ Learn new songs 
Record/Master Mixing 
Write in the Black Book
Play Drums
Shoot Hoops
Cap house
Horse stance
Black Book research 
Chant/exercise mantra (Delaware Park Cherokee Breath)
Listen to music through a stereo system
Build web pages
Edit photos/ create birthday cards 
Publish writings 
Keep up to date with tech./Radio Shak dabblings
Read/Go to bookstore 
Pee Shaolin. Sit Shaolin

Journal entry 3 
What was done differently today to resurrect Hainesport Chip?

Turning Yellow Light into Green Light

-Acceptance. Accepting the changing of the 
guard. Still scrambling for new objective.   
-focused on tight rechamber in shoulders only. … muscle memory completely gone!
-spiritually,… in harmoniously falling limbo.