


Round Table of Contents:
The Seven Directions:

“For I know the plans I have for you,
plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.
Then you will call on me, and I will listen to you.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
I will be found by you, and will bring you back from captivity.
I will gather you from all the nations and places where I have banished you, and will bring you back to the place from which I carried you into exile.”
Jerimiah 29:11-14

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.


We, the Ancient Mariners, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote general welfare and secure blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitutional Templar with un-gloved hands, open hearts, lovingly-clenched swords and a newly found soul; so that he shall hereafter be judged by self-guided, wise prudence. To our posterity, our Grandchildren, We, individually, pledge to do our best to do our duty to god and our countrymen and to persevere by way of the Laws of the Tribal Antiquities.
“Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech, but in action and in truth.”
1st John 3:18
The Templars’ Way of Life:
The Book of James
Ominis Cellula e Cellula
“All Cells come from cells.” Rudolf Virchow

The Two-Hander
“Their voice has gone out to all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”
Romans 10:18
“We are lead by grace,… At the present time, there is a remnant chosen by grace. And if by grace, it cannot be based on works; of it were, grace would no longer be grace.” (Romans 11:5-6)
Men have always gone to war. To say that there will come a day that all wars will end is altruistic at least, unrealistic at best. Why is this so?
Why is mankind’s survival so dependent on war when one man’s survival depends on staying out of war? Why must one man who develops no enemies be forced to fight another man? Where does an enemy originate from?
What makes a simple man a coexistent one day, then a combatant the next? Is it mankind’s religion to wage war? Is it one man’s mission to wage war? And, if so, why don’t his fellow men stop him from waging war?
World War One was postulated as, “the war to end all wars”. But then, we had World War Two, then, Vietnam, Korea, the phantom, Cold War, Iraq,… a non-ending cycle of wars which have altogether revolutionized the definition of, “war,” and have re-natured war as an on-going, forever-looming-skirmish-seeming-necessity through which all nations must navigate and participate in to ensure each nation’s survival!
Few men desire to commute to a foreign land to create an enemy out of complete strangers, yet many men are called to do so! By what? By whom? What reason does all of mankind have to engage in perpetual wars when mankind’s survival hinges on staying out of war? Few people recognize the answer to this question, even though it is so obvious. War’s function is the toll of each skirmish.
How do we create a generation that does not suffer the onslaught of war?
The answer starts with Area. Geometry. Which area or how large of an area chooses to be peaceful and avoid war? Motivated by tolerance and understanding, such an area could be mapped-out and recognized. Therein realizes the Ultimate Question (which leaves in its wake a multitude of related queries,)… Where is the wall that surrounds to protect that Area of peace, or, equally, what is directly on the outside of that wall? Because the wall must be guarded, by Whom, from whom?
Peace is so simple in philosophy and motive, it therefore stands as mankind’s Ultimate Goal. What is stopping each individual man from acting-out that goal on the day he is called to go to war? Who is empowering the jailors to jail the man who refuses to wage war? What single man is the jailor?
Who absolves himself of accountability in that regard? How dare you claim it to be the groups surrounding your group! How dare any individual man agree to kill a stanger against better judgement? How does a war, “end all wars”? As if adding fire to a fire extinguishes the fire, or adding water to water dries the water out,…
It warrants to point out that adding peace to peace creates global peace; and adding war to more war creates global war.
“All day long, I have held my hands out to an obstinate people who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations- people who continually provoke me to my very face,…”
Isaiah 65:2-4
Tribal Scribe
“…and so it is to the journalist, the recorder of Man’s deeds,…”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
“Do not spread false reports. Do not help a guilty person by being a malicious witness. Do not follow the crowd…”
Exodus 23:1-2
As of the year, 2020, wisdom is no longer the storefront of the nation’s success. Timing is the new emperor. The journalistic profession is no longer graced by the fact-telling anchors of Walter Cronkite who used to read the straight news and finish by saying, “That’s the way it is.” Instead, the profession now begins episodes.
It begins episodes by implying, “This is the bad stuff that might happen; here is my opinion on that conjecture; and I, ‘Leave you with these words.'” Editorialization is the new journalism; but editorializing is, by definition, the opposite of journalism. Instead of impartial reporting of what happened today, we hear scripted, co-produced narrations of what actors filmed other actors doing, pre-recorded, rehearsed and faulty.
Turn off your TV! Go ourside; have a look-see. I’ll tell a vision to you; you tell a vision to me. THAT is a report. Reading scripts is nothing more than acting!
The journalist is the recorder of Man’s deeds, which holds mankind accountable for what we witness. An actor reads a writer’s lines to give our imagination some entertainment to pass some time. Since the monopolized news industry has become nothing more than a perpetuation of opinion and conjecture, and the word, “journalist,” has been gerrymandered in to, “judge and or juror,” what function does the news-watcher serve?
As in the game of chess, if the news-watcher is the pawn, the pawns seem to be preforming the en-passant on the opening move, capturing imaginary pawns, making incorrect, unwarranted moves that are not even true to the game! It is commonplace that a story does not even have to be true, but if it is reported first, the objective of today’s news is to report guilt as the verdict until proven innocent by technicality! Truth no longer dons the crown or wears the signet ring; for Timing is the new emperor, and the Emperor Wears No Clothes!
The news preachers of today are no longer the journalists whom JFK had pleaded with to resist The New World Order’s grip on all information exchange. They are now the bishops whose tow-chords are so tight around their throats, it is a wonder any of them can draw-in their next breath to rant-out the newest, fear-mongering word!
There seems to be only two distinctions of reporters anymore, and the true journalists have dwindled since that fateful day in Dallas! As for the news-watcher, history proves that there are three types of people in our community:
-1 .) People who listen to and agree with the newest common conjecture.
+2 .) People who do not agree with the newest common conjecture, who do not listen to it.
-3 .) People who know that the newest common conjecture is false, yet they listen to it and help to spread it.
What is “The Newest Common Conjecture”?
The answer is:
Look at your Calendar; read the news; repeat what you just read.
Definition of “The Newest Common Conjecture”
The word, “conjecture,” means without fact and based on assumption. In other words, conjecture is a guess.
The word, “common,” refers to something that is available to every person. Commoners, or “The Common Man,” refers to you and me, our families and neighbors and the masses of people sojourning to local voting booths to vote for congressmen, the President, councilmen, mayors, governors.
Kings, queens, chancellors, Parliamentary figures, … these are NOT the common man!
Police Chiefs, Majors, Lieutenants, and constables, these are not “The Common Man”, for they are historically above the law, or free to break most (or any,) law and never be publicly held accountable, nor reprimanded. That leaves defining, “The Common Man,” as the remaining population and the majority of humans on this planet.
Whatever is, “new,” is relative, for the telephone was, “new,” in 1876, but it is not considered new today. The newest iPhone is, “new;” but the iPhone 7 is no longer considered to be new by today’s culture. That being stipulated, “The Newest Common Conjecture,” is simply this week’s newest assumption, news story and novel idea. It is the newest opinion, contrived by today’s standards and, because of editorialization’s monopoly on journalism, it is, indeed, propaganda.
We all recognize the array of emotions the sentiment of, “Propaganda,” stirs in us all. Emotions are indicators of our understanding of our environment, our senses, how we glean logic from our perceived situation. People who are intransigent and senseless do not use logic. If the Newest Common Conjecture causes your senses to make you feel uneasy as propaganda does, maybe The Newest Common Conjecture screams that you question its validity and intent!
If something feels wrong, what action do you desire to take? The answer to that question begins with which type of person you are: 1, 2 or 3.
You are the Source of the News
This week’s majority’s assumptions are derived from our news sources. As a nation, as so a community, there is a common agreement of the state of the union. We tell our neighbor what we heard on the news; then, our neighbor tells his family, friends and co-workers. In telling your family and neighbors the news, you are a source of the news; you spread the news. If your source of news is not completely factual, what did you just spread?
There is no such animal as, “Fact Checking”. A fact is a fact. If somebody points at the moon and says, “That is the moon; it is a fact,” do you go and check that fact? If so, how?
A person who checks the fact that the moon is the moon is …
Any news source that tells you it is, “fact checking,” is telling you that they do not believe facts! They are checking to prove that the moon is the moon! Are you the type of person who checks if the moon is the moon, or do you look at the moon and maintain logic?
Person Type -1
agrees that the moon is the moon; and if you tell them that it is made of green cheese, they believe you and will tell their neighbor, “The moon is made of green cheese.”
Person Type +2
agrees that the moon is the moon. However, if you tell them, “The moon is made of green cheese,” they will ask you how you know that the moon is “made of green cheese”.
Person Type -3
Person Type -3 Knows that the moon is NOT green cheese, but, Person Type -3 spreads the faulty story, telling his neighbors and coworkers, “The moon is made of green cheese! it was on CNN; it’s a FACT!” Person Type -3 knows they heard a lie; they spread the lie, becoming a teller of the lie! Person Type -3 agrees to be a liar and treats being a liar as someone who is good and a truth teller s someone who is bad!
What is your Source?
From whence, where and whom cometh this information?
If CNN published a story saying that the moon is green cheese, Person Type -1 believes it and asks no questions. They repeat to their neighbors and friends and family that the moon is made of green cheese.
“It’s True! I heard it on CNN!”
Person Type +2 asks for the source of the conjecture and does not report it to his neighbor or family as fact.
Enter Person Type -3:
Person Type -3 knows that the moon is not made of green cheese, but Person Type -3 purposely spreads the false story, telling his neighbors and coworkers, “The moon is made of green cheese! It’s a Fact; I heard it on CNN!” Person Type -3 knows they heard a lie; they spread the lie, becoming a teller of the lie! Person Type -3 agrees to be a liar and treats being a liar as someone who is good, but a truth teller as someone who is bad!
It behooves logic to indicate: lies are not facts.
Promoting lies, or, “Fact Checking,” to see if the new lie aligns with the newest, approved Common Conjecture is amoral, faulty and detrimentally abusive and destructive to the good of Common Man! Logic furthermore behooves society to question conjecture and to not make the Newest Common Conjecture an agreed upon consensus, but compels us to compare conjecture to factual conclusions
The difference between theory and fact is simple: Theory is not proven; whereas fact is proven beyond any reasonable doubt. Any man or organization of men who says the words, “facts must be checked,” or, “We are fact checking that fact,” those men are either insane, stupid or both. Why would CNN reports something, then advertise that they are not sure if they are telling the truth or not yet?
When the moon eclipses the sun, the moment the two bodies begin to separate, we see a, “wedding ring-like” affect of light. It is a ring of light from the sun around the the moon, and when the sun first peeks though, (or midway,) a portion of light shows on the top of the outside ring of light, which looks like a diamond on top of a wedding ring. This event is called the “Corona Affect”.
Astronomy, and even aerospace engineers all agree that the Corona Affect is a visual observation of a physical, astrological event and that this event is not caused by any virus. The beer brand, Corona, displays the Sun on its bottle and is golden in color, as is the sun. The Corona Affect has been witnessed throughout history and is a predictable, factual event; nothing new; not an event of conjecture.
CNN has fixated on a particular Corona Event. To mislead the public knowingly or even unknowingly is damaging to society, to the journalistic profession, (even to the editorial profession;) and it is criminal.
Pennsylvania penal code, Chapter 18, Section 4904 (a-f) clearly clarifies such criminal activity as wrong-doing. Federal codes concerning falsification of documents or misleading the public exist.
For any news organization to tell the public that thousands of people are dying, (“hundreds per day,”) but to never show one body bag or interview one family member of the deceased is just as questionable as not allowing families to have post-mortem examinations with lab results. It is just as questionable as not telling or showing how the thousands of bodies are disposed of or where the bodies are disposed of, or placed.
We have seen more than enough footage of the Nazi extermination camps’ piles of bodies being bull-dozed and see blood ,and we see war on the news all of the time; therefore, it would not be something we have never seen before. Society could handle it; and if it is as serous as CNN says that it is, society NEEDS to see such footage/documentation to engrain how important it is to be scared!
Where is that footage?
What is CNN hiding?
Person Type -1 = Pawn
Person Type -3 = Totalitarianism
Remaining are Martyrs.
The Pope
“They do not investigate the material of corruptible bodies; their generation operates independently of any foreign action, sustained by prayer and divine grace.”
It is called, “Generation X”. Maybe, “X,” because mankind is once again at the proverbial crossroads. Indeed, as progress has merged computer technology with everyday human interaction, the cross that many men bear is that of clinging to the old ways amidst the maelstrom of quickening change.
Correct action and accurate recording of his deeds used to be the sanctity of Man’s reputation. Word-of-mouth took time to cross continents. A man’s reputation was the decider of his family’s fate, therefore, his actions were the strongest measure of one man’s individual rule.
With it taking no time to communicate for Generation X, that generation’s emperor is no longer correctness; Time has become the emperor, and time has no true parameters.
The truth is no longer the test of a man’s reputation. Without any moral parameters, any generation destined to fulfill its unabashed desires is also destined to arrive at the unknown, with the starting point as the unknown.
We’ve come full-circle as humanity, for we used to not know where mankind started from; then, the church, “knew,” were mankind started from, (God). Then, or Now, we again do not agree where, (or what,) the starting point of Man was. We shall continue to debate throughout the revolving door of generations, and religion has seemed to place a fulcrum under that debate, because religion gives the simplest of answers: “Do not debate it; just accept what our book says.”
For some, that simple answer is a solid rock to stand up on.
For others, that answer is but a fulcrum under the teeter-totter of stances on the great debate, and , “the truth,” may fall either way.
To kiss the ring of the Pope is historically to kiss the unknown masses’ ASS! As the Catholic Church has provenly been regarded as a citadel for pedophilia, the Pope heads that organization; and the majority of the world’s money kisses that ring most closely by way of sticking it’s globe of a head up the Pope’s ass, as so to give that unclean ass the most French of kisses!
So, we are kissing the ass of the unknown! That is human survival- always has been for security’s sake, always will be for the sake of The Powerful Unknown. Advancement of mankind has buried much of its sacred texts beneath the Vatican to keep that information safe and secure. All that sacred knowledge is under lock, and, dangling from the Pope’s neck, is one of the keys.
Though proved to be corrupt and unfaithful to The Holy Bible, the Catholic Church still maintains, or hides, the wisdom of Ages- scrolls, texts and artifacts which are not being investigated by much of Generation X. The Vatican, as does Washington D.C., operates independently of foreign action.
Though, sustained by prayer and assumed divine grace, the masses behind the Pope are now feeling the boomerang “WHACK” as The Truth has come back around. As President, Donald Trump taunts the Pope’s hand, the Pope pulls his hand away like an abused child;… that hand on which the ring of ass-spit has been juiced! The kissing-fest is over. Revolution is on the rise; but what is this unidentified revolution?
Is it is against archaic, church beliefs? Is it against the imaginary off-the-gold-standard American Dollar? Is it the revolution against the hiders of the truth and against their lies and their actual slavery of all of mankind? The beauty of the Revolution is that it is all of the above! The Baphomet is seated upon the world’s throne, and he passes his crown from Pope to Pope; so down below burns the wisdom of old! To avoid investigating the material of the Pope’s corruptible body would be to betray our loyalty to kindness, justice, religion, perseverance and thus to betray our globally shared vestige of Hope!
We need not attack the Pope. His actions, inaction and history do that for him. Nevertheless, he is protected by two Shieldsmen to his front, Archers on his sides and two Shieldsmen to his rear. “His Most Pious,” is but a figure-head-up the ass of secrecy and deceit. The Pope is a religious figure no more, but a political queen, disguised as a bishop. His castle reigns over squares, cornering the market on, “the globe,” and the illumination of the ruling class. Commoners are blindfolded to this, hoodwinked by His Most Pious whenever he graces them with his Holy Blessing.
The Pope used to be the proprietor of sacred knowledge. Regardless of that distinction, modern man has exposed him for what he has always been- the protector of secret knowledge. The time-honored attempt to pedestalize a man, calling him, “The Pope,” has been noticed by Information Age’s Generation X. They do not see him as being divine, nor as a spiritual man, nor history’s sentiment that he is a God-like, Faithful Sheppard, telling us what God wants, likes and thinks.
“Woe to him who makes God to be unto like any mode or attribute… Woe more if he make Him like unto sons of man, whose elements are earthly, and so are consumed and perish! There can be no conception attained of Him (God) except in so far as He manifests Himself when exercising dominion by and through some attribute.”
What repose can Generation X’s view of the Catholic Church’s current matter offer? Is archaism ever a driving force of young men, or is constant change and Freedom the source of young men’s desires? What actions do young men take in regards to more sacred knowledge? What less is secret knowledge? Around secret, (therefore, sacred,) knowledge, floats, frozen- the built wall! As the toll of each skirmish sanctifies our area, (our freedom to travel,) the mission of the church has never changed. Religion is philosophy, yet philosophy tends to render religious practices obsolete rather than promote them and carry on their traditions. Church gatherings are sacred. The truth is relatively shunned.
“It is time that knowledge became more accessible to whom it properly belongs.”
James Burke
The Archer
There exists a protective covering over all, like a helmet, firm and perfectly fitted. Some hold-firm to their religion as their protection, some to their wit, philosophy or even some to their stupidity, knowing that pity sometimes affords them latitude. Some see protection as a civil right while others know protection to be an assertion which must be constantly managed.
A glass-covered snow globe has no protection on the outside of its covering and no protection on the inside. If cracked, the protective layer of glass would permit the water to fall down and out, leaving a tiny, snowy world, but no more globe. We treasure the globe for its sentimental value, and we protect it for our posterity. The snow particles travel with the freedom to flutter about and settle down, but their freedom stops at the edge of the globe, the dome of their glass covering. It encases them- protects them. It is a “Free-dome,” so to speak…
In the shape of an arch, the dome, delicate as an angel’s singing voice, protects and serves the scene inside as a physical reminder of the places, people and things which we hold dear. The delicate protecting the delicate, he solid holding within the non-solid,… It is a common theme, as is the memorial stone- a solid structure commemorating a spiritual notion.
As a father ushers his children out into the world, his teachings are the Archer’s draw-back on the string. His aim becomes their trajectory; their path- never straight, for they are flung into the forever wind of change. The father’s protection is no longer close and at-hand, domestic and controlling, but foreign and far away, intermittent and hopeful.
The newest generation, after Generation X, bows its head to no agreed-upon god, but seems to confuse itself with The Self, The Spirit. Regardless, altruism is on its rise; circular renovation floats its westward course!
Though enslaved by (and within,) the glass of their cell phones, their freedom is won by that very slavery- their protection is their shared access to real-time knowledge. Ironically, the cell phone is a jail cell for the mind, a tracking device for the body, but a freedom weapon, a key that unlocks the trace of humility which used to rule mankind’s attitudes!
The most skilled marksman is forever the Archer, because he takes aim on the move while guiding a freely-willed horse below him! Agreement, precision and Intention formulate both forces: Mankind (As Above) and The Beast (So Below). The horse knowingly risks its life and protects man via its loyalty and unconditional love. Man risks the lives of many via his assumed royalty and the conditions he grows to love.
The Archer is the most feared warrior in battle, for his arrows come from far away, unseen, When you see him, you are already too late! Up close, his quickness, spirit and agility make his enemy inherently cower even before the Archer engages in his most intimate attack- he aims for the heart! He protects his liberties by far and wide parameters. He rides into battle without a shield from the close-quartered sword or the long reach of the spear.
The Archer’s horse, so much more honorable than the Archer, himself, is beyond description, more noble, honest, irreplaceable and genuine than any man could ever work to become. More true-to-heart than Man has ever been, the horse is a slave to mankind’s freedom. The horse is mankind’s protector while the Archer protects mankind’s material gains. The horse is devoted to serving man, man- devoted to serving Mankind. The Archer’s arrow protects his domain, his kingdom, his government, his religious leaders and his woman. He is a man of great value, spirit and tradition, practicing the strongest of man’s attributes. When given the word to attack and protect, he never draws-back from his word.
“The word has become, ‘Man,’ but not until the word becomes, ‘Woman,’ will the world be saved. The maternal genius of religion must instruct men in the sublime grandeurs of the spirit of charity; then will reason be consolidated with faith, because it will understand, explain and govern the sacred excesses of devotion.”
Monk, William Postel
The Scout
“In arrogance, there is great ruin and great instability. In idleness, there is loss and dire poverty, for idleness is the mother of famine.”
Book of Tobit 4:13
“Do not keep with you overnight the wages of those who have worked for you, but pay them at once. … Be on guard, son, in everything you do; be wise in all that you say, and discipline yourself in all your conduct. Do to no man or woman what you hate yourself.”
Book of Tobit 4:14-15
In the Cub Scouts and the Boy Scouts, young men all take the following oath:
“I promise to do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the law of the pack.”
Boy scouts teaches a young man both survival and social skills, requiring him to do things for the community, perform the basics of starting a fire, setting up camp, sewing clothes and a sheath for his knife; and it also requires him to delve into his own personal interests and to share his unique personality with the rest of the pack.
Moving up the ranks, there is rarely an idle moment. Boy Scouts is a fraterinity that teaches a long-lasting, long needed foundation upon which building one’s manhood is cememted. There is no secrecy in Boy Scouts, but to learn the next step, you must complete the current task required to reach the next level.
I attended both the Boy Scouts (then, The Royal Rangers, later in life). The Ranger is a scout, a man of self-reliance, survival and resourcefulness. He has a mission and a purpose and travels paths unmarked, unseen by most , and he accomplishes The Greater Goal. After he reaches his destination, it is his duty to report back to his people, what he learned and saw, heard, smelled and tasted. He shows them what he experienced. He is the eyes and ears of the pack.
With each young man individually choosing to do what is honorable, the Scouts are a vast, respected group who all work toward a common goal. The American Boy Scouts show a Bald Eagle as their highest emblem; and the Royal Rangers use the Compass Rose. Freedom and navigation are the Scouts’ and Rangers’ forefathers. Duty, Honor and Loyalty are their fathers. Boy Scouts learn to navigate the social environment while The Royal Rangers master navigating the earthly environment; both instilling humble beginnings; therefore, far-reaching benefits for all of mankind. When enough young men act in correctness and servitude to what is right, it is near impossible for the outside force of corruption to control the population.
“If mankind is indeed so depraved and immoral that it requires a militia and an armed police force to keep its members in line, than no defense for Anarchism can be made.”
James D. Foreman
The Scout is a man who must carve his own path in order to survive. He carves that path with the pocketknife of humble beginnings, serving the community through kindness with hard work. He does so regardless of the wrong that goes on around him. Even when the government around him persists in doing wrong, the Scout chooses to do his best to do his duty to God and his country; so let us recognize that his, “country,” is not of the government, by the government, for the government. The Scout’s country is of the People, by the People and For the People.
In the religious esteem, God is supreme over man. God’s law is not the law of man; and the law of God supersedes any law written by man. The Scout vows his duty to God’s law. Secondly, he vows his duty to his country, not necessarily his country’s government(s)! He vows to obey the law of the pack.
A pack of wolves is a small group when compared to the planet’s entire population of wolves. It is this third vow, “to obey the law of the pack,” that ensures survival from the small scale which promotes survival on the planetary scale. If swearing your allegiance to the common man, or smaller packs which comprise the entire population, is, “anarchism,” than so mote it be; and sign me up for Anarchism!
Since the Scouts and Rangers are the younger generation, now, the generation after the “Millennial Generation, ” it is they who hold the torch and we who hold-firm, the grip on that torch, to teach them how to hold it up; how to hold up The Light before we are destined to let it go. We are hard-pressed and steadfast to not make it fall out of the sky!
The Scout is on both sides of the formation, scouting the land for adversaries and for allies. He scouts the land to which the tribe is to arrive. The formation, as it’s treasure, the, “jewel in the crown,” escorts the tribe’s Scribe along with its second most valuable artifact, the Pope. (Most times, the tribes’, or villages’, most pious, or high priest, is in place of the Pope.) The Scribe is the recorder of Man’s deeds. The Pope, … has been covered by previous chapters of history. The Scout is the Lonesome Glory of the world, for he is both its ambassador and its warrior. He is a navigator and a spy. Not all spies are bad. Not all Scouts survive our mission.
The Scout wears the least amount of armor. He sets up camp in solitude and travels alone. He is self-sufficient by trade. When anarchy ensues around him, he has neither defenders nor guards, no shield or cannon to hide behind. He either fights in the skirmish or he evades the skirmish. One-by-one, the Scout’s survival is crucial to the tribe’s survival, for he is, along with the Archer, the eyes and ears of the world, reporting his observations back to the pack. He never sits at idle, either in action or at heart. He seeks-out the Truth, finds those who do not ask for him and sees people and places unfamiliar to the new.
The Scout goes by compass, both morally and navigationally and ventures only to glean the best of the whole. Mankind is dependent on The Scout. Information is The Holy Grail. Clarity is the Treasure! In our Scouts, our Rangers, the young men of the old, Mankind instills its faith.
Isaiah 40:3
“So for that knowledge is its own reward. I suppose that it may be worth its cost; but if any department of research should be ruled out of the sphere of operation processed by this truism, it is occult science and philosophy, so far, at least, as the majority are concerned. The labour involved by their exhaustive study repays those who undertake it only in a few cases.”
The Front Shieldman
“I heard a sermon from a creaky pulpit with no one in the nave. I paid a visit to the synagogue, and I left there feeling blame. No one could tell me what to do. They had not the ability to answer me.
What the world needs now is some answers to our problems. We can’t buy more time, because our tender is invalid. If your soul needs love, you can get consoled by pity; but it looks as though Faith Alone won’t sustain us no more!
Watch the scientists throw up their hands conceding, “Progress will resolve it all!’ I saw the manufacturers of earth’s debris ignore another Green Peace Call! No one could tell me what to do. They had not the capacity to answer me!
What the world needs now is some accountability. We can’t buy more time, because time won’t accept our money. If your soul needs love, you can always have my pity. But it looks as though Faith Alone won’t sustain us no more!”
-Dr. Greg Graffin
-The Right of West Never Becomes the Left of East. -The Right of East Never Becomes the Left of West.

As Amelia Earhart sent out her final transmission, she had faith in her instruments. She believed what her instruments were telling her, even though the top aviators of the time might suggest that which she had discovered was not physically, or magnetically, possible! Maybe, she was actually flying from North to South, but told the tower she had embarked from West to East. Her last words are reported as being,
“…On line North and South … Line North AND South!”
Stories have survived that she had disappeared within the Bermuda Triangle which is southeast off of Florida, in the waters near Cuba. Tracing her flight-path on the Federal Aviation Navigational website, seekers find the end of her flightpath to be near Vietnam. If seekers trace her coordinates on Gleason’s Map, (the map of the world as it is,) we find something.
May it be what Amelia was looking for and had found? All in all, Earhart had faith in her instruments, for whenever do magnets reverse their polarity; or how could a North Pole be the same as the South Pole?
Even when you cut a magnet in half, each half has its own north pole and south pole. You never have a North-Pole-only magnet or a South-Pole-only magnet. … Or could you? …
“The crown is concealed; so also is the metallic root.”
Faith is more than a notion, and it is not exactly an instinct. Faith is governed by belief in something we do not see at the moment, but accept its existence. “Faith in God,” is an example. If your instruments indicate a reality that you have not seen, however you believe such indication to be true, you have faith. Faith in certain things is not necessarily faith in accuracy, but faith in accurate instruments surmounts mere belief and illuminates reality- Truth.
Frequently, our instinct battles the perils of survival’s dilemma. Instinct “gets us through” to survive the moment. Having faith means trusting the unknown to be true. The fight between positive and negative is just as electric as the pulse of the north side of a magnet attracting the south side of another magnet; but one piece of magnet never implodes on itself, nor explodes as a result of itself! Why is that?
May it be the secret to the universe or no secret to those who know the True Source, it remains a mystery that magnetism and electricity, (both the same force of a spectrum,) both give and take life. Magnetism is a pull-and-push relationship. Electricity is an on-off relationship. Electro-magnetism might be more accurately called, “magnetronics,” or “Magnet-electronics”.
Mankind’s survival is the display of the positive and negative fight. The result of that (ironically) is harmony. Harmony is a musical term. We’ve all seen the depiction of a person who has an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other, and both are convincing the person to either do the good deed or the bad deed. This is an ancient understanding.
“The Zohar explains it as follows: ‘When a man comes into the world, it appears to him at that moment the evil spirit which always arraigns him. …The evil spirit never forsakes man from the day that he is born into the world. But the spirit comes to the man… at the age of thirteen years. Then, he (man,) joins himself with both spirits, one on the right hand and one on the left; and these are the two spirits which are appointed ever to remain by man. If he strive after perfection, the evil spirit is restrained, so that the right rules the left, and then both unite to secure him in all his ways.'” (Z5)
Language makes no mistake in making a synonym of the word, “right,” with the term, “correct”. Furthermore, language correlates the word, “left,” with abandonment. If you are, “left,” you are, “left behind”. When you are right, you are, “correct”. When mankind’s understanding becomes, “right,” about something, it leaves what is, “wrong,” behind. In humanity, people rendered as being incorrect are left behind by those who are correct. This is true of the animal kingdom, for the weakest or injured animals are many times left behind; because one injured animal attracts the danger of many predators. Faith does not ensure survival in the animal kingdom.
What function does faith serve the survival of mankind? The face we show others is our front, our shield. Our facial expression is a display of our faith. We believe that our faith, alone, may protect us. However, I point out that having faith that the torch’s flame shall shed light, (faith, alone,) does not procure, nor ensure of any location of a source of fuel for the flame.
In order for mankind’s survival to sustain its ilfe-giving flame, we invest faith in the unseen. While taking action in accountability, that which humankind does and sees itself do constantly changes. Nothing seems to last forever. Ancient wisdom suggests a remedy, or contradiction to such a sordid conclusion:
“Three things last forever: Faith, Hope and Love. The greatest of these is love.”
1st Corinthians 13:13
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then, you will be able to test and approve…”
Romans 12:2
The Back Shieldman
“Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds, because the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”
James 1:1-3
The father lets his children out into the world and watches from behind as they move forward. He may still protect them through guidance, but he is no longer their leader, for they must lead themselves. If he hath exercised due diligence, his offspring shall carry-on his course, however their flair; their spice.
Bruce Lee commented about perfecting martial arts practices, “Add what is useful; discard what is useless.” Bruce Lee died of unreported cause. He did say, in a television interview, “You say the earth is round; I believe the earth is flat.” That leaves no wonder why he was murdered soon after at the age of thirty-two!
Of course, I did not see anybody murder Bruce Lee, just as nobody saw Lee Harvey Oswald carry a bold action rifle into the book depository, nor did they see him walk it up to the top floor, nor put it on the ground at the door leaving the building. We all did see the Zapruder film and Kennedy’s head essentially explode before our eyes, but the media somehow produced footage of the dead president on a gurney with his once-exploded head back intact with just a small hole in his neck! How those facts do not match reality,… how that all was physically possible is a Neil Armstrong helmet-scratcher, for sure!
Protecting the Newest Common Narrative are the Shieldmen of the federal law. The judge is in a foreign truth. My own father’s findings regarding Kennedy found my father dead, and justice remains blind to his findings. What remnants he left me are far from trite, however, my contribution is as feasible as the shadow of the figure on the grassy knoll. My father’s legacy lives-on; our findings- as buried as Julius Caesar! The statue of justice wears a blindfold.
George Washington owned slaves while fighting for freedom. My family’s foundation, however nostalgic, contradicts itself only in reality, but survives diligence by notion, or idea. To Marth Custis Washington’s personal servant, (slave,) the idea of freedom must have been far-fetched; the notion of it not entertained by the color of her skin! With distant cousin, Martha, I share many notions with her late, presidential husband, The General; but I discard his claim of, “freedom,” for his plantation and mistress shared not that freedom with him, though they supplied such freedom to him- physically, economically and socially! It would escape diligence to avoid reporting Washinton’s home-life, for Washington’s home is our country.
I protect his cause; though- sworn to carry his Promethean Torch in my left hand and am obligated to carry his sword in my right. It is in my blood, pumped from my heart. My lineage demands it of me!
Due-diligence is required of the journalist. The heartbeat of America relies on fight, freedom, change and unwaveringness- realities that conflict with each other at some measure but are true, plumb and on the level. Diligence declares standing your ground and maintaining without moving as does the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution; and carrying-0n sometimes demands complete and total change of social and economic structure, as did the Emancipation Proclamation, honored by the Thirteenth Amendment.
Diligence is a dually-tiled chess board of black and white squares; right and wrong. The knight must move either left of right; never in a straight course. So it is always for the Backshiledman to guard the left and right sides- one hand on the shield, the other hand, swinging the sword. He protects from the attack of those who chase and stalk. His tribesmen keep their faith in him as they lead the way, as a son trusts his father, as a daughter has faith in her grandfather, his time-worn philosophies and teachings; his shared experience and his wisdom and wishes. Society feels security in our Grandfather’s will to live- this Social Security must not be squandered, stolen or lost by today’s Now Generation.
Today’s generation must Build NOW- its structure, it’s own meaningful reproach! If the time for diligence is not due now, than, forever, the diligence spent of our forefathers is now lost, stolen and squandered! They left us clues- some set in stone, others printed on our money, some microscopically encoded in the letters printed at home by the ink cartridges you pay $37.00 for, (even though it costs $3.00 to produce!)
Generation X is running for Congress now! Millennials, … What the Fuck are they choosing to do these days!?! The place is now, and the time is here- if not to take back this nation, but to give back to our Grandparents- the due diligence they toiled to impart to us- the tool that greyed their hair, wrinkled their hands and reverse-mortgaged their bank accounts!
If their plight is not enough to receive honor, than no defense for future generations can be garnered; for nothing shall protect them from the onslaught of inevitable injustice.
The Scales Of Justice are held by the aristocratic hands of the blind. Who is to lead by being the eyes and ears, the nose and tongue, the armed hands and marching feet, the diligent and, therefore, the Free? If it is not you, time will tell who it is, which is We,…
Sic Semper Tyrannus!
The only way to last is to be free; but the only way to be free is to, first, be brave!
The Scout
“Reason is the Gods’ greatest gift to man. I would not dream of criticizing yours, but other men can reason rightly, too.”
Haemon, Antigone, third episode
“I,” “Me,” and “My,”: Three words which corner the market on philosophy whilst also rendering philosophy useless many times. The, “My,” philosophy can promise trouble most times. Talking about, “me,” all the time is annoying to those around you. “I,” is the Roman Numeral for number, one. THAT is no mistake. We are, “always looking out for number one.” Realistically, if you don’t, who will, or who’s responsibility is it to do so? The Royal Rangers make a man self-sufficient in using a compass, both to navigate the planet and also to navigate the moral attitudes of the times. A Ranger’s concept of, “I,” is founded on the concept of, “Us and our mission,” thereafter, ends with, “My”. My ability to swim while in the company of those who are drowning is paramount, for if I were to drown, I could not help others to swim. You have to swim, first, because, if you don’t, nobody will be there to swim after you!
The balance between self and selflessness is always a split-second decision- one which can never be lived again. My comrade who jumps on top of a suicide bomber saves others at the expense of himself, … the decision he only made once. droning in heroism, he swam to his final destination so that others could keep their heads above water. His philosophy was not, “I will do this,” It was, “Somebody’s gotto do something right now!”
John 19:30
Luke 23:46 (O7)
“Us, We, Our.”
The Scout ventures throughout all parameters of earthly travels and moral philosophy. An enemy officer once questioned me, “I saw something on the back of your paperwork,…” I pretended to be confused and to not know what he was talking about. That was when he asked, “Are you a traveling man?”
It was at that instant, I knew , “The jig is up!” My “cover” was blown! He knew I knew more than I had let-on. So, I put faith in the Creed and answered, “Sir, Yes, Sir!” He gave me a welcoming expression on his face, paused for a moment, then, slid my cell door shut, “CLANK!”
“Who would’ve thought that your best friend would be your worst enemy, and your enemy, your best friend?”
“Ready or not, here I come. You can’t hide. I’m gonna find you…”
Some situations are impossible to get out of. Mankind’s sanity, as a whole, depends on positive philosophy if mankind is to avoid its self-inflicted end. Only few are chosen to hold the power of knowledge. Indeed, they are chosen, because the culprits who take power do so by taking power AWAY from others, creating enemies.
Nobody chooses their king. The king has many assassins vying to remove his head upon which the crown adorns (shame). A chosen leader of a nation has fewer assassins scouting for his head.
The king’s, “I, Me and My,” differs greatly from a chosen leader’s, “I, Me, and My.”
Amelia Earhart was a scout of the sky. Bruce lee scouted the extremes of both his body and his mind- the True Martial Artist! John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a chosen leader, dually elected and sworn (in) chief of a great nation, built of great people, by great people and for great people.
Those three examples, three great pioneers of great precepts, were leaders of philosophy, innovation and spirit. Their un-timely deaths, all three, a co-inside-al mystery, are examples of zero degrees of latitude.
They lead aviation, the martial arts and political accountability with kindness, in truth, by scouting-out the farthest parameters of flight, earthliness and policy. Their work, left undone, is a flame of inspiration which burns within us all, (that “Fire Down Below,”) as the flame which illuminates J.F.K.’s grave, in Arlington Cemetery, J.F.K.’s honor- guarded as highly as the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, his philosophy, motive, mission and intention- sought after as deeply as the oil we drill for to power our machines!
What work hath been left undone! What injustice we witness against our wishes- in secret, but in plain sight! Philosophy keeps The Scout alive, just as it drives us to seek-out the answers and the Answerers. My mission had proved that there are no Answerers, at least none to whom technology rightfully belongs! The reason for that:
Truth belongs to those who seek pure honesty. Honest people are taken advantage of by the dishonest. Unfortunately, to be wise does not necessarily mean to be honest, for it is unwise to say, “Yes,” to a fat woman who asks, “Do I look fat in these shoes?”
However honest the true answer may be, it is not the wise answer; and social conditioning deems it to be the incorrect answer. So, the wise are not always truthful, and the truthful are not always wise.
Wisdom is a treasure of The Ages which compensates only many generations, not one by compartmentalization. The wise scout seeks enlightenment by way of not divulging that the Answerers have given sought-after answer. Many times, the wise omit from their suggestions, the treasure which The Scout seeks. It is impossible to unknow what you know; and the wise man might hesitate, but the Master hesitates not! Omission is never admission of guilt; however, when any answer breeds further questions, it seems as though Bugs Bunny goes for a dive down his bit hole, only to pop up out of another rabbit hole, chasing the proverbial carrot, dangling from Elmer Fudd’s stick! The lesson to The Scout:
“Be Bewy, bewy quiet!”
In the city or in the woods, help keep America looking for wisdom. As “Hooty,” the own slogans for Americans to clean-up their trash, to, “‘Help keep America looking good,” the wisdom attributed to the owl as a spirit animal, a quiet, ominous, nocturnal hunter and selective killer, speaks volumes; for it kills in silence at night; but it’s shit is clean!
Whosoever’s shit don’t stink must be doing something right!”
“Those who know do not speak.
Those who speak do not know.”
Lao Tzu
“Ignorance is Strength.”
“Word of the Master which he spoke to all of the Sons of Dawn:
‘Listen all men of heart and intelligence, seekers of righteousness; those who have searched these matters and have returned to the path of life:
Men with knowledge and men of understanding, increase by might and modesty. You who search judgement, who know the way, increase strength; and men of truth, increase righteousness. You who love kindness, increase humility. (There is prescribed, an,…) appointed time which… (The Great judgement of purge shall befall and clear the land.) You will understand the end of ages and will gaze at ancient things to know.'”
The Single Hander
“At a time when wise men peered through brass tubes towards the sky…”
In order to start any creation, one must know where the starting point begins. Inquiring minds want to know, “If that was the beginning, what came before THAT?”
The church has its answer. Scientists want you to have faith that their multiple theories are the culmination of, “The Answer”.
Philosophers tend not to give any, “Answer,” but imply that, “The Answer,” is actually the questioning, itself, as like the layers of an onion are not layers, but the onion, itself, only composed of the core- layered of its own core.
In the first book of the church’s Pentateuch, it reads, “There was darkness over the abyss and a mighty wind sweeping over the waters.” (B3)
It further notes:
“Let there be a dome in the middle of the waters to separate the water from the water. …and it separated the water above from the water below the dome. …and God called the dome, ‘sky’.” (B4)
In other translations, the word, “dome,” is replaced with the word, “vault.” We all know that a vault is a solid enclosure designed to be opened and closed.
Again, in other versions, this, “dome,” or, “vault,” is recorded as such:
“Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” (G1)
In yet another translation, it is recorded this way:
“…Let there be a space between the waters to separate the waters of the heavens from the waters of the earth.” (H1)
In similar accounts, translations read, “… and God called the firmament, ‘heaven.'” (I1)
We can all debate how mankind started until we are blue in the tooth, because we all do not agree about the subject; and we have countless wars which back that statement up!
Fact or fiction, regardless, words written down are but a message. Recorded from Ancient Man’s words, modern man delivers the words written down to another modern man; a message is sent.
That being the state of affairs, man is just a deliverer, not the message, itself. If you disagree with the message, shoot the message; but do not shoot the messenger!
“Let There Be Light”
The most circulated explanation of how Mankind began is in Genesis, the first book of The Bible, in which God single-handedly created everything in six days, then, rested on the seventh day. The most widely agreed upon terms of that explanation are the three words, “It was good.” (G3)
Indeed, Light is good! When in darkness, we all seek light. When in search by philosophical reason, we sojourn towards enlightenment. For most of us, the journey is a lonesome one, from church steeple to church steeple- a “Steeplechase.”
Yes, many share in you pleasure, but glory, itself, is sun-basked in only by a few- a lonesome destination is this journey altogether; but let us not mistake being lonesome as a sad, lonely tale! “The Walking Man,” (J1) must walk alone, not because he has been banished, necessarily, but because he is free, enjoying his travel.
” Knowledge is its own reward.”
We are missionaries.
We travel from town to town, from country to country. We are men of quest. Afoot, we are, “The Walking Man.” Tradition honors us: Better recognized when on horseback, we are “The Single-Hander”. The degree of our angle on life depends upon our devotion to securing the messages we are rewarded with .
Tradition honors time.
History records reveal:
“Long ago, in a dusty village, filled with hunger, pain and strife, a man came forth with a vision of truth and a way to a better life. He was convinced he had the answer; and he compelled people to follow along; but the hunger never vanished, and the man was banished. Then, the village dried-up and died.
At a time when wise men peered through brass tubes towards the sky the Heavens changed in predictable ways, and one man was able to find that he had thought he had the answer; and he was quick to write his revelations; but, as they were scrutinized by his collogues’ eyes, he soon became a mockery!
An urban sprawl sits, choking on his discharge, overwhelmed by industry, searching for a modern-day savior from another place, in plight for charity. Everyone begging for an answer without regard to validity. The search, it never ends. It goes on and on, and on for eternity.
Don’t tell me about the answer, because then another one will come along soon. I don’t believe you have the answer; I’ve got ideas, too. But, if you’ve got enough naivety and you’ve got conviction, than the answer is perfect for you.” (D3)
Many regard priests, the Pope, the scientist, government official, the policeman and the doctor as a person who has our answers; as people who understand more about life than the rest. Policemen, especially, have no clue what the (state and federal,) laws are, or what citizens’ rights are! Mankind has reached the precipice from which, taken flight, the notion soars that there is so much more out there than narrowly defined by our experts.
There is more unacquired knowledge to arrest than that of the microbiologists’, more tissue to from than that from the petri dishes of the mycologists’, more particles to divide from our quantum physicists’, more glaring alchemy expected of our chemists, more induced and nullified firing patterns (induced by,) of our neurosurgeons’ and more educatedly philanthropic requisites demanded of the aerospace engineers’ current dilemma:
The Truth.
The Truth cannot be hidden so much anymore in this, “Information Age.” The, “Corona Virus,” Genocide, meticulously covered up by fear propaganda and vehicled by creating a medical-military state, has slammed the door shut of logical human interaction. Making-up bullshit terms like, “Social Distancing,” the wool is over the sheeps’ eyes who do not realize that, “Social Distancing,” is no more than, “Locking Yourself In Your Home, Hiding In Fear!” Bullshit, “Self-Quarantining,” is simplify locking yourself in your home, hiding in fear! “Social Distancing,” and “Self Quarantining,” are the new, “Active Shooter,” buzz-bullshit-words of propaganda, being employed to facilitate The Newest Common Conjecture.
The new, “pandemic,” is not a virus of the respiratory system, but a very effective political-psuedo-medical-quasi-military action that concentrate-camps Americans by foreshadow of Martial Law. Fear that you will get arrested for taking your children to a restaurant, going to church or driving to the bank- THAT is NOT protection from a virus! THAT is Martial Law, totalitarianism and is,…
The End Of Freedom!
To arrest a pastor for inviting his congregation to a church service, but to not arrest the entire congregation who showed up is: Arresting a pastor for speaking. He did not force the people to attend; he is one man. Arrest them all! The truth is, people are, not only seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, too many of us know that we are in the tunnel; but the architects of the tunnel-vision have used anarchy to monarchize America; and they are dimming the light. (o10)
If you seek illumination, turn off you television; go outside; look at the sun; observe the moon and its path. Record what the stars are doing! Illumination comes from turning ON the switch of individual freedom. When twelve ounces of soda costs less than twelve ounces of water, Look Around You! THINK!
We can no longer dodge the drones’ bullets for being the messenger; we can only survive by being exemplar, free men. We, the people, are not subordinates to any government, scientist, doctor, policeman, clergy member, military personnel or fucking Walmart shopping receipt checker! We ARE the government, the doctors, the fathers of scientists; are equal to our clergymen., and our police officers are but men. We are Fellowmen of our Fellow Man.
Few, today, are even in the shadow of the Single-Hander. Most are willing to allow both their hands to be cuffed behind their backs in the face of biochemical, or medical, FRAUD! That subject is too extensive to cover herein. Ironically, that subject had been the purpose for this treatise!
A man wearing a white coat is not superior to you simply because he is wearing a white coat. Ask that man if he can start a fire with a chunk of flint and a piece of steel in the woods on a rainy day! Any man who cannot start fire is NOT Mankind’s superior! Any man who cannot start fire is inferior to the caveman.
The Age of Enlightenment
The Messenger
After the scouts set out to gather information, map-out the land and prepare the way, the Two-Hander leads the way on horseback. He is the bravest, most advanced swordsman of the tribe who pledges the highest number of vows. He is one of the few chosen to take the one, secret vow which is uttered in complete silence and at the feet of the Pope, or High Priest.
Yes, he Two-Hander is a knight, but more, he IS a Knights‘ Knight, a knight of the Templar! Beyond that distinction, he leads the formation. If an attack comes from the front, he is the first to engage in the battle- a sword in each hand, protecting the church in his heart, the Pope on his mission and ensuring the passage of the Scribe as his motive. The Two-Hander is the second-most informed man of the community. His extra, secret vow is never spoken by him, only heard by him. Throughout the lifetime of every Two-Hander, we never speak the words of the secret vow. It is uttered to us by the church’s leader, (if not the Pope).
Hence, that being noted, any leader who has spoken the secret vow to any knight can never become a Two-Hander, himself, thus the survival of our Creed; for “silence in peace” is our code. If ever asked to vocalize our creed, make-ready your shield and sword, for two swords are your answer .
Behind the Two-Hander’s horse rides the Scribe, the village’s librarian, journalist; the church’s recorder of every man’s confessions and deeds; the Knights Templar’s most protected messenger.
On either side of the Scribe are the Front Shieldsmen who hold, each, a large shield and brandish a long-sword. One Front Shieldsman is right-handed, the other is left-handed.
Behind the Scribe rides the Pope, or the High Priest. He remembers with him, sacred knowledge, regarded as more highly classified than that of the Scribe’s.
Protecting each side of the Pope are the Archers. These two are the eyes and ears of the formation, with little armor to, “clang,” and make noise. They vigilantly watch the front, the sides and the rear of the formation and can send a fatal arrow in danger’s way before any enemy horse can sneak-up on the group.
Staggered behind the Archer are the two Back Shieldsmen. They offer the same protection as the Front Shieldsmen, but they are the security force for the Pope. They take one, special vow- to sometimes stay in place if the event occurs that the Scribe must be rushed ahead for safety. They protect the Pope overall and are the fortification of the formation.
Completing the formation is the fearless Single-Hander. His goal is to protect the formation of attacks from the rear. He sometimes carries a shield. He is armed with a broadsword, also, a short sword, daggers, throwing blades, a crossbow, poisons and close, hand-to-hand combat weapons. He is as fierce as the Two-Hander ,but wears lighter armor and riders a quicker horse, for his mission is to protect and carry information primarily, and to protect the formation secondly. He serves as the Pope’s right-hand-man on the journey and his personal bodyguard for the voyage; that is, until the formation reaches its destination.
The Single-Hander takes a secret vow, himself, which he never utters aloud during his lifetime under the penalty of death. It is his obligation and duty to report the new information back to his home town after the formation has met with their destination’s scribe and after confirming transmission with the Pope. For that reason, his horse is fast, usually a thoroughbred.
The Single-Hander takes an additional, secret vow, similar to the Two-Hander’s. He is equipped with smaller, lighter weapons, because his journey back home must be fast; it is alone, dangerous and very, very valuable! He has the resourcefulness of the Scout, the fearlessness of the Two-Hander, the fortitude and security of the Shieldsmen, the weaponry of the Archer, the information of the Scribe; and he carries the Pope’s message. He holds the apple of wisdom. Realistically, the Single-Hander is more valued and more highly respected than the Pope!
The Single-Hander is one of the Sons of Light. (K3) We are the Torch-Bearer, (K2) the living record of the Old Order of Royal Knights Templar. (K1) He is The Illuminated Hero.
Omina In Numeris Sita Sunt.
“Such was to be the course of the war in its earthly dimensions. but it would possess in addition a cosmic quality. The hosts of the Sons of Light, commanded by the ‘Prince of the Congregation,’ were to be supported by the angelic armies lead by ‘The Prince of LIght,’ also known in the scrolls as Archangel Michael, or Melchizedek. Similarly, the ‘ungodly covenant’ and their… associates were to be aided by the demonic forces… These two opposing camps were to be evenly matched,… Intervention alone would bring about the destruction of evil.”
The Dark Hero
“A friend loves at all times, and a Brother is born for a time of adversity.”
Proverbs 14:15
Only by light can we see shadows. Only by comparing to darker hues can we distinguish lighter hues. Evil doers foster rebellion against honesty. The Messenger of Death has been sent upon them. The Dark Knight is the most merciful of all. After all, even the Angel of Death brings relief from anguish.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter; who acquit the guilty for a bribe and deny justice to the innocent. Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight, who draw sin along with chords of deceit and perversity, vanity and wickedness as if with cart ropes.”
“I urge you, watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to logic. Keep away from those people!”
Romans 16:17
“Though your people be like sand by the sea, only a remnant will survive. The Almighty will carry-out the destruction decreed upon the whole land.”
Isaiah 10:21-23
Intelligo Ut Credam
“In keeping with the revelation of the hidden mystery of long ages past, but now revealed and made known through prophetic writings…”
Romans 16:25
Credo Ut Intelligam
The secret vow of the Two-Hander, along with the craftiness of the Scout, strength of the Scribe’s words, beauty of the Pope’s secret knowledge; the security of the Shieldsmen, the freedom of the Archers’ movement and the fortification of the Single-Hander’s enlightened skill altogether account for the twelve, sacred positions of the formation. Most obscured by history’s demand is the Thirteenth member of the congregation. …
-Ride Tight.
Since war is historically unavoidable, how do we teach a generation to not embark upon the onslaught of war?
“The enemy is no longer foreign and far away, but up close and domestic.”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
George Orwell, 1984
We Are Watching. (K2) & (F)
The Begining
This concludes this treatise:”The White Book”
Operation Loincloth shall forever remain the Twenty-Second step taken by the 3rd US Infantry Unit.
Arlington, Virginia, November 22, 1963
“The truth is relative. This relative view is generally shunned. It is supposed by the left to dilute commitment and by the right to leave society defenseless. In fact, it renders everybody equally responsible for the structure adopted by the group… knowledge would then properly include the study of the structure itself. Such a system would permit a type of ‘balanced anarchy’ in which all interests could be represented in a continuous reappraisal of the social requirements for knowledge and the value of judgement to be applied in directing the search for that knowledge. The view that this would endanger the position of the expert by imposing on his work the judgement of the layman ignores the fact that science has always been the product of social needs, consciously expressed or not. Science may very well be a vital part of human endeavor, but for it to retain the privilege which it has gained over centuries of being in some measure accountable, would be to both render science itself and society a disservice. It is time that knowledge became more accessible to whom those it properly belongs.
432 Hz.
O. Holy Bible. 2011, Biblica, Inc Copyright; 2011 by Zondervan, New International Version. ISBN: 978-0-310-62387-8 1. ISAIAH 65:1 “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call my name, I said, “Here I am.”
2. ROMANS 10:18
3. ROMANS 11:5-6
4. ISAIAH 65:2-3
6. MATTHEW 3:3 “Prepare the way for the Lord. Make straight paths for him.”
7. “It is finished.” Jesus
8. GENESIS 1:6-8
9. ISAIAH 5:18 “Woe to those who draw sin along with chords of deceit and wickedness as with cart ropes.”
10. ISAIAH 5:20-21,23 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Woe to those who are wise to their own eyes and clever in their own sight. Woe to those who acquit the guilty for a bribe but deny justice to the innocent.”
B. The New American Bible Copyright; 2010, The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc. Washington D.C.. ISBN: 978-1-60137-484-4
2. BOOK OF TOBIT 4:14-15
3. GENISIS 1;2
4.GENISIS 1;6-8
A. The Day The Universe Changed. Copyright; 1984, James Burke. NY ISBN: 0-316-11706-4
1. page 337
Z. The Doctrine and Literature of the Kabalah. Copyright; 2015, Cornerstone Book Publishers; Arthur Edward Waite, LA. ISBN: 10: 1564592790
1. Page 451
2. Pages 35-36
3. Page 360
BEFORE. Pae 312
5. Page 203
6. Page 473
D. Bad Religion. Geffin Records. Greg Graffin.
1. “Faith Alone”. Album: Generator. 1992 2. “Against The Grain
3. “Faith Alone”.
E. The Fugees. Copyright Capital Records, 1997. Album: The Score
1. “Ready Or Not”
F. 1984. George Orwell. Copyright; 1977, Sonia Brownell Orwell, Penguin Books, LTD. ISBN: 0-451-52493
Page 17
G. Holy Bible. Copyright; 2010, Ameican Bible Society; PA. King James (Joseph) Version. Philadelphia, PA. ISBN: 9781585169863
H. The Life Recovery Bible. Copyright; 2015, Tyndale House Foundation, International Version. ISBN: 978-1-4964-2758-8
1. GENISIS 1:6-8
J. “Walking Man“. Copyright; 1972, James Taylor
K. The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls. Copyright; 1962, Geza Vermes; Penguin Books, LTD. London, England. ISBN: 978-0-141-9731-9
1. Pages 165-167
2. Pages 241-242
3. Page 85
C. America: What Went Wrong. Copyright; 1984, James D. Foreman. New York. ISBN: 978-0836270013
Ego is the corruptor of the human soul. Ego has no name, therefore, is a most powerful force, because that which is unseen and unknown is feared most; for there is neither weapon or action against the unknown. The easiest name for, “Ego,” is, “I”. What war, or which weapon, shall a man wage against himself, albeit the teeth of the snake devouring its own tail?
To, “keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,” in order to know thine enemy fails survival if thy self is the enemy, and you stand closer to the despised than to your most precious ally! To know your enemy, or to know your own ego, is a most prized attribute of war and is the most powerful utensil for serving peace. To know how to avoid developing an enemy avoids war, but to know what your Loved Ones love most equips you with the prize which outlasts war.
Faith, Hope and Love are the unseen weapons against war, for love is the spoiler of war. Fear corrupts the man’s mind. Despair corrupts the man’s faith. Rage interferes with the man’s ability to grow love. Faith, Hope and Love are the undetected weapons against Fear, Despair and Rage.
Man does not fear himself. Man already is born with faith in himself. For Mankind to develop rage against himself is a compelling culmination to investigate; but for a man to refrain from investigating his own rage becomes a physically palpable manifest, or force, which other men are affected by.
The Ego is not a pride for Nation, but only a pride of the self. National Pride is rather a confusing of the individual with the group that surrounds him/her. the corruptor of the individual soul is the notion that another man’s deeds are your own deeds, that his successes are consequently, your own successes; therefore, his failures are considered to be your personal failures, too!
To defeat the most powerful attraction of The Ego, a man must forfeit his selfish actions and thoughts. Only after that may the unknow be ascertained and won.
-Ride Tight.
Bill Of Rights
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
Amendment III
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
Amendment VII
In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Pennsylvania Statutes Title 18, Subsection 4904
§ 4904. Unsworn falsification to authorities.
(a) In general.–A person commits a misdemeanor of the second degree if, with intent to mislead a public servant in performing his official function, he:
(1) makes any written false statement which he does not believe to be true;
(2) submits or invites reliance on any writing which he knows to be forged, altered or otherwise lacking in authenticity; or
(3) submits or invites reliance on any sample, specimen, map, boundary mark, or other object which he knows to be false.
(b) Statements “under penalty”.–A person commits a misdemeanor of the third degree if he makes a written false statement which he does not believe to be true, on or pursuant to a form bearing notice, authorized by law, to the effect that false statements made therein are punishable.
(c) Perjury provisions applicable.–Section 4902(c) through (f) of this title (relating to perjury) applies to this section.
(d) Penalty.–In addition to any other penalty that may be imposed, a person convicted under this section shall be sentenced to pay a fine of at least $1,000.
(Nov. 29, 2006, P.L.1481, No.168, eff. 60 days)
2006 Amendment. Act 168 added subsec. (d).
Cross References. Section 4904 is referred to in section 6116 of this title; section 2344 of Title 3 (Agriculture); sections 1518, 3905 of Title 4 (Amusements); sections 102, 134, 142, 8998 of Title 15 (Corporations and Unincorporated Associations); sections 761, 911, 3101, 3175, 3908 of Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries); sections 4308.1, 5103, 5337, 6344.2, 6711 of Title 23 (Domestic Relations); section 1714 of Title 25 (Elections); section 4110 of Title 27 (Environmental Resources); section 7923 of Title 35 (Health and Safety); sections 102, 1904, 5552, 5903 of Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure); section 101 of Title 54 (Names); section 13A08 of Title 65 (Public Officers); section 2301 of Title 71 (State Government); sections 1510, 1920.2 of Title 75 (Vehicles).
The Gettysburg Address
“Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate – we cannot consecrate – we cannot hallow – this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
November 19, 1863
Abraham Lincoln
“Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment.
For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function,
Though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith;
if it is serving, then serve;
if it is teaching, then teach;
if it is to encourage, then give encouragement;
if it is giving, then give generously;
if it is to lead, do it diligently;
if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends.
On the contrary:
If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
Do not be overcome evil by doing evil, but overcome evil by doing good.”
Romans 12:1-21

Entered Brethren Ordainment Sermon
Third Sermon
“Donning the Master’s Sword”
The hands of your fellow brethren have laid the foundation of this temple; and the hands of your fellow brethren are now beginning to complete its stronghold. Through your studies and actions, we, under this delicate ceiling, are Awake, as if from humanity’s deep sleep. (Zechariah 4:1)
What are you, mighty mountain? Before Brothers’ building, you shall become level ground! We are the Twelfth Tribe and together are obligated to bring out the Capstone. By way of might and power, the Light of the ancient spirit burns within each of us!
Who is the man here tonight who despise the day of small things? (Zecharaih 4:10)
What man here tonight doth say these things:
“Meaningless! Meaningless!
All perception proves meaningless!
What do people gain of their daily labors which they toil under the sun?
Generations come; and generations go.
The earth is all that is forever.
Sunrise; sunset; marking counted days.
It returns and rises again from where it had risen.
The wind blows to the south and turns to the north.
‘Round and ‘round it goes, forever returning on its course.
All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full.
To the place where streams flow from, there they return again.
All things become wearisome.
The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing.
What has been will be again.
There is nothing new under the sun.
It was all here already, long ago.
It was here before our time.
No man remembers former generations; and
even those to come
will not be remembered
by the generations to follow them.”
We have gathered here to rebuild David’s fallen tent. Its ruins- we now rebuild, and we restore it!
Do not seek revenge or bear any grudges against anyone. Now, from this zero hour, and beyond, love all of our neighbors’ lives as much, or more, than you value your own happiness and safety. Love is the ruler of this plane. Fear, or hate, is the perpetuation of their global deceit. Fellow Brothers, let us not love with words or speech, but by actions and in truth. (1st John 3:18)
What good is it, Brothers, if any one of you claim to exercise good faith, Fathers, Brothers and Sons, if you do not prove so by deeds? If a person is without clothes and daily food, and you say to them, “Go you in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but you neglect to provide for their physical needs, what good, and where is your faith? Faith alone, if not accompanied with action, is dead.
The first vow which every man here tonight must prove, in order to become Unrecognized as a knight of the Old Royal Order is explained by First John in Chapter Three, verse Eighteen. This is the most important vow; therefore, illuminates this Tribe as, “Most Distinguished”. To spell it out, “Go You!”