Careening Society
Society is getting worse and worse- it’s like toddlers are in control- making the rules for the rest of the world; then, upon those rules, they develop a society; and, after that, even dumber toddlers formulate our way of acting and interacting!
It is as if a pile of rocks, never erected into a structure, is the Foundation; and society sees that pile as the foundation upon which humanity must be built!
It’s like society is lobbing rocks on top of that pile, then, calling that mess, “the way it is”!
Chip Van Hassel
The discombobulated mess of rocks strewn all over, on top of the pile of rocks, has become the structure of current society, and we keep dropping rocks onto that travesty!
It’s like designing a vehicle with three tires, ripping off one tire, popping one of the tires, then, saying, “this is the best fucker we have to drive down the road in!”