“Tri’s of the Hamstrings
Pushing down on
Solid Horse Stance;
Sacral Chakra Bouncing off of
Root Chakra”
Day: February 6, 2023
Never-Ending-River of Breath
“No need to block beyond the shoulders.”
—Master Brian Gray
“Always thinking about the River-
The unchangeable, the constant, not-judging-
Watch breath right now,
visualizing pushing the Chi down

This dynamic tension
is centered.
(Iron Palm,) Pushing down on the Upward chi of Earth.

Breathing is the never-ending river that orchestrates chi wherever it is instantaneously needed.
“Make the entire body solid and reactive.”
“No need to block beyond shoulders.”
Sifu, Grand Master Brian Gray
Sea Story
When USS Independence encountered a full-rigged ship in 1962, the carrier signaled to ask the vessel to identify itself. “Training ship Amerigo Vespucci, Italian Navy,” was the response.“ Independence replied “You are the most beautiful ship in the world.” #SeaStorySaturday

Daily Mantra
Be witness to The Light.
God will not deliver him.
“Lord, how many are my foes!
PSALMS 3:1-2
How many rise up against me
Many are saying of me,
“God will not deliver him.”