“I am you, and
The Beatles
You are me, and
We All Come Together”
Day: September 15, 2023
Always Humble
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Lamp of the Body
“Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness.”
LUKE 11:34
… when the mind is aware that it is aware of itself…
Ride Tight
The world’s tension is the horse you ride.
Hearts Be Glad
“The poor will see and be glad-
PSALM 69:32
You who seek God, may your hearts live!”
Reasonable Expectations
When you enter a factory which bakes rye bread, do not expect to leave carrying a loaf of whole wheat bread.
Chip Van Hassel
Judging Others
Quote From Mom
“When you judge people, do not walk away from them right away.”
Jane Jurgensen
Lest you be judged.
The lord will judge you.
See MATTHEW 7:1-3
Happiness of the Fool
When you think an option is there, optimism may cloud your judgement. When you realize
Chip Van Hassel
that the option was never there,
you see how happiness made you a fool!
What is important to a fool
could be important to a sage.
What is happening right now
has nothing to do with time.
“Love overpowers Fear because it is a higher, stronger and more energetic frequency…”
“Your Aura is made up of your dominant thoughts and emotions
If you have a high vibration, your Aura will be made up of Angels which makes it strong and shielded from negative entities
Shaolin Breathing Mantra
Breathe from the diaphragm.
The Trick
The trick is to make sure that the horse’s feet hit the ground as softly as possible every stride.
Chip Van Hassel
Realistic Funny
“There is always truth in jest.”
Matthew Kueffner quoting somebody
That Easy?
Yes you can live in my house with me and some young girl.
Some Girl
… By the way, who is this?
One Truth Too Much
Brainwashed people become irate when you observe the truth. They become even stupider and aggressively intransigent.
From Where?
Well, that was a clusterfuck from your mother’s Hell.
As our Great- Grandbrothers congregate to watch, they whisper hints to us via the wind.
Zero Supply
All interaction is ones and zeros.
When the negative aura abounds,
Supply zeros.
In these zeros, the warrior provides
Zero feedback
for the enemy to fight against.
When you are chosen by the universe, you need to become stronger; that is your mission.