Day: December 29, 2023
Interesting Query
The man asked,
“Does my opinion in the matter make tomorrow a better day?”
Random Businessman
Five Attributes
Important are these:
1. Be a leader.
2. Lead an exciting life.
3. Support your own social network.
4. Protect and love family.
5. Have sexual prowess.
Family of Faith
A Man Needs Three.
“A man need a three types of men in his life:
Doug Kindred
1. A Grandfather Figure to learn from,
2. An equal to share “Life Experiences,” with
3. and a Little Brother to teach and to guide.”
“… speaking of it in terms of a man’s Christian walk.
He needs mature Christian men to mentor him
He needs Christian brothers roughly the same age to walk with him through life.
He needs younger men to mentor.”
Length of Step
How Long Is Your Mind’s Step?
Satan takes short steps.
God takes long steps.
Hard Hats
Hard Hats:
The Engineers’ way to pretend they actually build stuff.
Chip Van Hassel
Random Poem
Written in 2010:
Even though none of it is real,
It makes me so happy.
It seems to grab me
And entrap me.
So Slap me-
Snap me out of this
Dinner Idea
Great Dinner Idea:
Cheese Burger Soup!!!
Shackleton’s Shipwreck Found
Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Ship, “Endurance”
“In 2022 Scientists have found and filmed one of the greatest ever undiscovered shipwrecks 107 years after it sank. The Endurance, the lost vessel of Antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, was found at the weekend at the bottom of the Weddell Sea.

Who-ey What-ey?
Things My Brain Heard People Say Which They Never Said
Love Skins?
“Chick-Daddy-Love Skins”
Random Voice in the crowd
The Quest
“… Taking nothing with us which does not belong to ourselves, leaving nothing behind us that is of our real selves,…”
“And so the Quest goes on. And the Quest, as it may be, ends in attainment- we know not where and when; so long as we can conceive of our separate existence, the quest goes on- an attainment continued henceforward. And ever shall the study of the ways which have been followed by those who have passed in front be a help on our path.
Travel to the Unknown Idea
pushing ourselves to our limits,

“Culture is missing the Grand Power of Motivation towards the unknown-
Chip Van Hassel
that physical action of advancing towards fear,
pushing ourselves to our limits,
so we may therefore push ourselves beyond those limits
to create more advantageous precipices from which thereupon, we we may elevate our efforts; for we are rewarded with the strength, courage and some wisdom which allows us to experience the Great Power of Motivation which operates the Sun and the Moon.”
Don’s Words
Stay Happy
“I just think about happy things.”
Don Adams
God is Kind, but Stern.
“Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God: sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off.”
ROMANS 11:22
Circular Connection
Make the aura around you flow of purple water-
It’s current- Strong,
Revolutionary of itself.
When you notice that your focus has been lost
down through your Sacral Chakra,
Circulating the inside of the chakra;
condensing it’s
outer physical membrane.
Man’s Greatest Gift
“Reason is the Gods’ greatest gift to man. I would not dream of criticizing yours, but other men can reason rightly, too.”
Haemon, Antigone, third episode