‘Twas a
Passing thought.
‘Tis gone, now.
Day: January 12, 2024
Fish Brain
I just heard a guy say, “I palmed the…” and my brain went:
My Brain
Rude But Funny
This was a Rude, but Funny thought:
“You look like the train came and said this:
“This is what your face is going to look like!”
Be Grateful
Be Mindful.
The opposite of arrogance is gratitude.
Never Regret
You Must Move On!
Regret is poverty of the soul.
Chip Van Hassel
Be Humble, First
What is the Answer against Evil?
The answer, though the same as the problem, is to do nothing evil against evil. Retaliation, by nature, (altogether) is too late; the deed has been done.
Chip Van Hassel
To retaliate is to wage vengeance.

“Do not repay anyone evil for evil.
ROMANS 12:17
Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.”
Smile At Others
Give a Stranger a Smile Today!

Being in good spirit is the choice to make- every minute, every hour, every day, every action and every intention.
Chip Van Hassel
Song of the Millennium
“He sees things from under glass”
The Passenger
by Iggy Pop

“I am a passenger
And I ride and I ride
I ride through the city’s backside
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, they’re bright in a hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight
Waiting Game
“Maybe our problem on this planet is that people expect someone else to come solve their problems instead of doing it themselves!”
One Lesson
Learn from Jesus
An off-ended observation:
Jesus’s lesson was to:
Not walk around being an asshole; because, when you read the Good Book you will see where Jesus walked around telling people how they were wrong, they perceived him as being an asshole… So they killed him!
Nibble, Nibble
“Women use sex as a magical power- a power which men do not possess. This phenomena has ravaged our culture…. …
…“active-passive-aggression,” which could be described as building(/being) the bridge upon which, “resting bitch face,” hath transmuted into, “active-bitch-face,”
Sex is only a Game for most women but seems to be the meaning of life for most men!
How many women in your circle know how to bake a loaf of bread from scratch or how to potty-train an infant?”
Two Reasons Why Women Wearing Sexy Pants Is Corrupting Our Culture.
For many women, today, sex is the only thing they have to offer!
Did women ever wear mini skirts in the 1930’s,… why not?
We are living in an overly-sexualized culture where women walk around wearing spandex- which is the equivalent to a woman wearing a short skirt in the 1930’s!
Let Us Quote:
1 TIMOTHY 2:9-10
“…I also want women to dress mosdestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”
Women use sex as a magical power- a power which men do not possess. This phenomena has ravaged our culture to the point of devolving us into camel riders, again!
How many women in your daily life know how to bake a loaf of bread from scratch or how to potty-train a toddler?
How many men do you know who can change the oil in a car?
January 12 , 2024 Daily Bible Verse
Friday January 12 , 2024
PSALM 141:5
“Let a righteous man strike me- that is kindness; let him rebuke me- that is oil on my head.”