“A faithful person will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.”
“No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!”
“A faithful person will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished.”
“No Good Deed Goes Unpunished!”
When you close your Bible without application, you are not doing the inner work required to dwell in the Kingdom of Heaven.
“When we are fast to anger, we are misinterpreting what the Kingdom of God stands for.”
R. Cecil
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”
JAMES 1:19-26
“With eyes full of adultry, they never stop sinning; they seduce the unstable; they are experts in greed-an accursed brood!
2 PETER 2:14
They have left the straight way and have wandered off to follow the way of Balaam son of Bezer, who loved the wages of wickedness.”
“With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith.“
2Thessalonians 1:11
“… the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.”
“When sin is fully grown, it is never satisfied.”
Richard Cecil
“There is a vast difference between being tempted and being tested.”
“You’ve got to respond properly to temptation.”
“When you praise him in the physical, it releases angels on our behalf.”
“There is a vast difference between being tempted and being tested.”
“Be active in asking for wisdom.”
“What is wisdom?…. It is seeing through God’ perspective.
R. Cecil
Wisdom is His vantage point.”
“People make their decisions designed on comfort, but God does not work that way.”
R. Cecil
“It is no bed of roses to follow Jesus!”
“… Also we know that all things work together for the best unto them that love God, even to them that are called of his purpose.
ROMANS 8:28-30
For those which he knew before, he also predestinated to be made like to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Moreover, whom he predestinated, them also he called, and whom he called, them also he justified, and whom he justified, them he also glorified.”
“Don’t cry for me, because if you could see me when I get there, you wouldn’t cry!”
R. Cecil
“God, let the angels encamp about me.”
R. Cecil
“You’re not battling nothing; you’re obeying in the physical.”
R. Cecil
Smash Hell with a Squirt Gun;
R. Cecil
Put Out the Fire!”
“What you do with your physical body releases the angels or withdraws the angels.”
Pastor Richard Cecil
“Therefore, I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.
1TIMOTHY 2:8-10
I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”
“If we are God’s creation, we do not belong to ourselves; we are of a Spiritual Society.”
Richard Cecil
“To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure.”
TITUS 1:15
What you do with your physical body and posture grants communication with God.
– Pastor Richard Cecil
“As long as you obey with your physical body, you will be victorious in the spiritual world.”
R. Cecil
“A little leaven doth leaven the whole lump.”
Our posture is important to God.”
Pastor Richard Cecil
“ But when you pray,
go into your room,
close the door and pray to your Father,
who is unseen.
Then your Father,
who sees what is done in secret,
will reward you.
And when you pray,
do not keep on babbling like pagans,
for they think they will be heard because of their many words.
Do not be like them,
for your Father knows what you need
before you ask him.”
“A man on his deathbed, raising his hands, (after saying, ‘I surrender all,’ is physically victorious.
R. Cecil
His actions, through surrender, (his posture,) granted him the power to express the Greatness of God.”
They call them, “Loafers,”
because people who wear them are just loafing around;
those men will never fight The War!
Wearing a gold necklace whilst preaching about the Bible and passing the donations plate around is pure vanity, not tithing, and is void of physical obedience. (See JAMES 5:2-6)
“Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.’”
LUKE 23:34
“This is a true saying, If any man desire the office of a Bishop, he desireth a worthy work.
A Bishop therefore must be unreproveable, the husband of one wife, watching, temperate, modest, harborous, apt to teach,
Not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre, but gentle, no fighter, not covetous.
“Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.”