Legend of Clermont College

“…have no relation to Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master- degrees, which were constructed for the general class of Masons. …”

Legend of Clermont College


A Reminder to Myself

“We give our power away as humans- we blame others for things that happen to us,…”

“You’re probably not even at the halfway mark in your life, and if you think about it the first 25, you probably didn’t know much about anything.

Point being, your life up to this point has prepared you for this.

Now, you need to have the integrity of self to make decisions which align with your vision.”

Arch Kingsley
Continue reading “A Reminder to Myself”


Police Do Not Create the law.



To whom this may concern, 

 We are writing this letter to inform you of both civil rights violations and criminal activity in our community

Continue reading “UnLawful”

“Mission Accomplished”

“We don’t need guns to stand for Freedom.”

“Peace is so simple in philosophy and motive, it therefore stands as mankind’s Ultimate Goal.

What is stopping each individual man from acting-out that goal on the day he is called to go to war?

Who is empowering the jailors to jail the man who refuses to wage war?

What single man is the jailor?”

Chip Van Hassel

Protector On High

“For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.”

“From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”