Man Scouts of America

“The Scout goes by compass, both morally and navigationally and ventures only to glean the best of the whole. Mankind is dependent on The Scout. Information is The Holy Grail. Clarity is the Treasure! In our Scouts, our Rangers, the young men of the old, Mankind instills its faith.”

-Christopher Van Hassel


Non Nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam

“In arrogance, there is great ruin and great instability. In idleness, there is loss and dire poverty, for idleness is the mother of famine.”

Book of Tobit 4:13

“Do not keep with you overnight the wages of those who have worked for you, but pay them at once. … Be on guard, son, in everything you do; be wise in all that you say, and discipline yourself in all your conduct. Do to no man or woman what you hate yourself.”

Book of Tobit 4:14-15
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Blythe Miller’s Advice

Setting Your Horse Up for Every Next-Jump

Heels: DOWN and OUT in front of you!!!

Blythe Miller

A Leveled-Up Experience

There are moments when an athlete experiences this:

Not “Doing” it:

… the feeling of floating-

watching it all happen as
from the outside,

(Like watching a movie)

… not doing it,

but watching your body do it

and learning from it.
Chip Van Hassel

Horse Racing in Decline

My decision to retire began on my way to the track on a horse for John Servis.

The Horse Racing Industry Is In Decline!

With Anticipation

We were living the dream- I was getting paid top-dollar to ride for one of the top trainers- part of a formidable, respected team.

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Lack of Value

People who do not value your time

When a person does not value your time, they do not respect you.

Those who do not value your time see the lack of value within themselves and are compensating.

Public Service Announcement:

Treating a person’s time as less important than your own is Covert Narcissistic Abusive behavior.

Narcissists get their energy by finding a victim to abuse; then they destroy that victim’s life.

Be wary of the micromanager!!!

Chip Van Hassel

Legend of Clermont College

“…have no relation to Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master- degrees, which were constructed for the general class of Masons. …”

Legend of Clermont College


Why The Weak Are Now, “In Charge”

“Such is the decree of destiny. If the people are content with freedom of conscious and constitutional liberty, it will be well. If, going to the other extreme, they plunge into universal doubt and anarchy, let us hope that this may be but a step in the process of spiritual and political regeneration. For us, the only law is, to fulfill our duty.”

“Blue Masonry
neither remembers its duty,
nor knows its powers.
It can neither prevent political convolutions,
nor avert the horrors
of civil war.
When these rage,
it’s voice is not uplifted
to still the storm;
but it withdrawals
into its cells and asyla,
hoping to emerge again
when the skies are
clear once more,
to renew its self-glorification,
and weary men
with its idle vanities.”

LEGENDA XXXII (pages 23-24)

You Leave A Trail of Energy Behind You Everywhere You Go

It is your choice to make it positive or negative.

Sometimes, Imagery of Profoundness Comes To Us In Our Dreams!

Words of Wisdom

“Everywhere you go,
you leave a trail
of energy behind you.”

Arch Kingsley

“Every breath is a chance at a brand new beginning;”

“A brand new, ‘You,’!”

Arch Kingsley

“Every morning I wake up,
I am grateful,
‘I have hands. I have feet. I have legs’!”

“Every breath is a chance at a new day!”

Arch Kingsley

A Reminder to Myself

“We give our power away as humans- we blame others for things that happen to us,…”

“You’re probably not even at the halfway mark in your life, and if you think about it the first 25, you probably didn’t know much about anything.

Point being, your life up to this point has prepared you for this.

Now, you need to have the integrity of self to make decisions which align with your vision.”

Arch Kingsley
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Weak Men Drive Cars; Strong Men Ride Camels.

…more normal than they even know how to be!

I ate at a restaurant today; and there was no knife on the table. I used my pocket knife. The owner of the place got all nervous and started acting scared and giving me the “side-eye”.
I’ve used my knife

Continue reading “Weak Men Drive Cars; Strong Men Ride Camels.”

South Carolina Statute Regarding Equine Liability

§ 47-9-730:
“Under South Carolina law, an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in an equine activity resulting from an inherent risk of equine activity, pursuant to Article 7, Chapter 9 of Title 47, Code of Laws of South Carolina, 1976”

Trainers Already Have Immunity and do NOT Need to Purchase Insurance for their Riders. SEE:

South Carolina Statute Title 47; Article 7, Chapter 9 “Equine Immunity”

Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976 Annotated. Title 47. Animals, Livestock and Poultry. Chapter 9. Livestock Generally. Article 7. Equine Liability Immunity.


This South Carolina section provides that an equine activity sponsor or an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant resulting from an inherent risk of equine activity. The statute also requires the visible displaying of warning signs that alert participants

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Trick Or Treason!

“…The change that has occurred within the racing industry is not something that is lasting.”

-Retired Journeyman, Christopher Van Hassel

I had always planned to train racehorses after I retired from my riding career, but I had not predicted that the racing business would change the ways in which it has. The change that has occurred within the racing industry is not something that is lasting. Why do I say that?

Continue reading “Trick Or Treason!”

Staying Inside The Box

… because they purposely create a toxic work environment…

‘Tis a strange experience, being an expert in my field, surrounded by people who are beginners, however, these beginners act and feel as though they are superior to me! The, “Dunning Krueger affect,” comes to mind.

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