Resenting the Master

Revere The Teacher With Compassion.

A Short Article For Flourishing Students:

If there comes a time when you resent your teacher, you have become your own teacher; and you must relinquish your expectations of such former teacher.

Resentment is the product of contempt and the ego; both of which are cataclysms. 

After contempt for a teaching ha been acknowledged, the ego presents itself. Regardless of the validity of the ego’s claim, the added contempt limits your judgement, creating learning barriers.

No student is an expert. 

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities but in the expert’s there are few.”

Shunryu Suzuki

How a practitioner chooses to vibrate is a conditioned response. 

How he chooses to condition his body, mind and spirit is a vibration over which he has control in the beginning, but has no control over the in the end. 

His choice of vibration sends a ripple out infinitely in all directions and affects all beings- past, present and,… right now!

Choosing to resent a teacher is choosing to perpetuate the end! Acknowledging this ending is a step towards the vestibule. Enter that vestibule honoring what a, “vestibule,” is! 

It is a start and must be a humble beginning.

“When a way comes to an end, change; and you shall pass through.”

Lau Tzu (The I Ching)

Harmony is achieved through fluidity, through, “give and take,”
…through occupying the Middle Ground- (The Middle Way,)
understanding both extremes, then, by developing a current
current within which all beings remain unharmed, unmolested and lovingly appreciated! 

Contempt for the spirit devolves the body and mind. 

A self-taught practitioner must sit in meditation- Deep! 

In this meditation, the shadow appears with clarity

Upon this clarity, the shadow is given a chance to respond. In this response, the ego (which is the shadow,) delves into these two extremes:

1. Complete loss of prior self-definition; the extinction of the personality.
2. Reinforcement of the resented self-definition; the birth of “the inactive side of infinity,” (as opposed to The Active Side of Infinity) birthing disharmony.

The shadow can respond to itself, question itself and humbly vibrate in harmony

We regulate ourselves through question and answer, clarity by truth, in action, through accountability and by changing.

The shadow must respond to itself, first, before clarity may be attained. Otherwise, the darkness, (lower light,) remains within it’s own darkness- experiencing no contrast; therefore, cannot be objective.

For darkness to be humble enough to use light, liberation from it’s defined self must occur. 

To be liberated from the self is The Vestibule!

Contempt is anger.
Ego is fear.

To fear is natural. 

To love creates no issue;
and to trust is proper decrement. 

All in all, any expectation a student has of his teacher must be forgotten for true development to occur.

As a student travels from teacher to teacher, conquering them along the way, he bows his head to his defeated opponent and says, “I’m sorry,” as he moves-on, surpassing them, yet shows ultimate respect and compassion to them, void of ego!

Chip Van Hassel