Defining the “Law of Liberty”
“The perfect Law of Liberty is the Law of Love.”
Pastor Richard Cecil
“The perfect Law of Liberty is the Law of Love.”
Pastor Richard Cecil
“I’ve been through things in my life that if I did not remember who God is, I would have lost my mind!”
Richard Cecil
“Worship causes the enemy to be confused; then, they kill themselves.”
Richard Cecil
When you close your Bible without application, you are not doing the inner work required to dwell in the Kingdom of Heaven.
“When we are fast to anger, we are misinterpreting what the Kingdom of God stands for.”
R. Cecil
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”
JAMES 1:19-26
“… the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.”
“When sin is fully grown, it is never satisfied.”
Richard Cecil
“There is a vast difference between being tempted and being tested.”
“You’ve got to respond properly to temptation.”
“When you praise him in the physical, it releases angels on our behalf.”
“There is a vast difference between being tempted and being tested.”
“Be active in asking for wisdom.”
“What is wisdom?…. It is seeing through God’ perspective.
R. Cecil
Wisdom is His vantage point.”
“People make their decisions designed on comfort, but God does not work that way.”
R. Cecil
“It is no bed of roses to follow Jesus!”
“… Also we know that all things work together for the best unto them that love God, even to them that are called of his purpose.
ROMANS 8:28-30
For those which he knew before, he also predestinated to be made like to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Moreover, whom he predestinated, them also he called, and whom he called, them also he justified, and whom he justified, them he also glorified.”
“Don’t cry for me, because if you could see me when I get there, you wouldn’t cry!”
R. Cecil
“God, let the angels encamp about me.”
R. Cecil
“You’re not battling nothing; you’re obeying in the physical.”
R. Cecil
Smash Hell with a Squirt Gun;
R. Cecil
Put Out the Fire!”
“What you do with your physical body releases the angels or withdraws the angels.”
Pastor Richard Cecil
“Therefore, I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing.
1TIMOTHY 2:8-10
I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God.”
“If we are God’s creation, we do not belong to ourselves; we are of a Spiritual Society.”
Richard Cecil
“To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure.”
TITUS 1:15
Wearing a gold necklace whilst preaching about the Bible and passing the donations plate around is pure vanity, not tithing, and is void of physical obedience. (See JAMES 5:2-6)
“Produce the Grace of God in Others.”
Brother Richard Cecil
Feel like You’re Surrounded By Blank Personalities?
Written in a fit of realistic rage in the Jeep:
I’m tired of being surrounded by idiots–
Arrogant, loud people
Who want your attention
By way of being annoying.
These people are so
“Produce the
Grace of God
In Others.”
Brother Richard
“God’s Grace is Sufficient; Isn’t it?”
-Brother Richard Cecil
“People make their decisions based on comfort; but God does Not work that way!”
Pastor Richard Cecil
Lift Up Your Hands!
“Smash Hell with a Squirt Gun;
Put Out the Fire!”
Brother Richard Cecil
The Spirit Always Dwells in our Temple. AND when the music begins, Jesus dances on top of His Tomb!
Chip Van Hassel
“A woman was the first to encounter death in the Old Garden; and a woman was the first to encounter life in the new Garden.”
Pastor Richard Cecil
“Giving to others is the Holy Handshake!”
Pastor Richard Cecil
“I count it all joy, because how I respond to it determines the outcome.”
Pastor Richard Cecil
“The children are watching us and figuring out if we are Hearers or Doers.”
Pastor Richard Cecil
Do The Right Thing!
“Jesus is the Gardener of our soul!”
R. Cecil
“…Seed Time and Harvest Experience…“
R. Cecil
“Jesus can take a black heart full of sin, wash it with his blood and make it white.”
Pastor Richard Cecil