House Resolution 965
“…a novel coronavirus…”
“…a novel coronavirus…”
Governor Lake, Please, make, “voting month,” Voting day.
Lonesome Glory Publications
We will do everything to assist you in bringing reality to culmination.
“… there were daily election ballot deliveries to the center by Runbeck Election Services. …”
Posted on by Texans Jack & Dodie
We were in Phoenix on Election Day 2022 to report and interview on voting activities. The most important thing we learned was that very little has changed in Maricopa County, Arizona since the cheating and corruption of the November 2020 election.
It remains the only jurisdiction in the United State that receives completed ballots at a USPS Processing Distribution Center, but doesn’t bring them back to their election department or tabulation center.
Continue reading “Conspiracy Is No Theory”“Almost like history repeating itself from 2020!”
Arizona Ballots Make Stop at Runbeck Printing Company to Sort Ballots Before They Are Sent to County — WITH NO OBSERVERS. Ben Bergquam was outside the Maricopa County election center and followed a Penske truck leave the center and return to Runbeck. Once at Runbeck, the gate is closed.
Every mail-in ballot that is returned in the county is sent to Runbeck first. Runbeck is scanning the Maricopa ballots before they are sent to the Maricopa County Elections Center.
“Aren’t you guys aware of the ballot trucks that were at Runbeck printing co on Saturday. RSBN had the cameras rolling!!!!” -vidwildnerness
Ben Bergquam was outside the Maricopa County election center and followed a Penske truck leave the center and return to Runbeck. Once at Runbeck, the gate is closed.
The Fix Is In
Nov 12, 2022
More of the Penske trucks at the Maricopa County elections office. Almost like history repeating itself from 2020! Is it in confidence or corruption?@RealAmVoice
— Ben Bergquam – Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News (@BenBergquam) November 11, 2022
“It’s a bit odd that the ballots all go to the company that prints them so the can scan the envelopes… no cameras.. then they go to be tabulated.. I smell rats”
Biden Admits the planned set-up for another ELECTION FRAUD
“We are in a situation where we … We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” -Joe Biden
“Secondly, we are in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for president Obama’s administration before this, we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
Joe Biden
He does not even realize that the days of lying in plain sight are done for a long time. There are too many third Degree Masons in the world, now, that Hiding It In Plain Sight is no longer hiding, but the opposite.
Continue reading “Deep State Propaganda In Full Swing”“That could have been Mickey Mouse, that could have been a dead person;… that could have been the same person thirty times; … All these things have happened, by the way.”
Rudy Guliani, November 19, 2020