Uno Pome
Going in to the belly of the beast.
Ukraine is the current Palestine.
Going in to the belly of the beast.
Ukraine is the current Palestine.
‘Twas a
Passing thought.
‘Tis gone, now.
When an intellectual conversation dissolves into a self-loathing proclamation…
“The Answer,” they seek cannot materialize. Instead, the, “investigation,” becomes a self-exploration, describing the whole of humanity, fueled by pent-up emotion (which they want to share,) consequently being extinguished by the arrogant affect of being the observer attempting to objectively observe itself.
Chip Van Hassel
As a picture of a pencil cannot draw itself, the human attempting to reconcile with its own cognitive dissonance by way of cognition is the same as the ocean attempting to dry itself off by splashing around!
“In my eyes
In disguises no one knows
“…Dead bodies…”
Dead people don’t pose like that.
Especially in the Ukraine. They’re too dead to pose like that over there.
“At times, a man must alter the expectations of himself.”
“Spirit is the Life-Breath. Use the soul to direct the core nerves from the inside out.”
Outside of the mental realm is not the place to find your answers, for the questions you seek only exist in the minds of humans and are not fundamental; they are rhetorical.
“Relevance cannot be shifted
Prosecutor, William Thomas 1926
by people’s opinions, your honor. We must not overshadow the facts of the case simply because some people’s feelings are hurt.”
“It didn’t exist, and I got rid of it.”
Josh Abbey (when referring to a piece of malware that made itself appear to be a device to the operating system.)