In the matrix spells
DNA and spoiled milk.
None exist without.
Month: September 2021
No emptiness lies.
Full moon sings to quiet ears.
Vagebond at home.
Face Junk
Looking at her face, I thought, “Some people got too much junk going on!”
Millionaires Who Can’t Get Wet

Baseball players should never look serious. They should be constantly pointing and laughing at everybody.

Woman Ears
He asked me, “If you were walking in the forest with a woman and a tree fell, would she hear it?”
Selective Hearing
I said, “Probably not, because she wasn’t listening.”
Fritzinger Talk
“…the concrete dimension we know and love makes up less than 1% of our universe.”
“On an unrelated note physicist now claim that they have discovered what they dubbed the “shadow dimension” its a parallel to our own dimension that consists of
Continue reading “Fritzinger Talk”Rimonabant
1.2.3 The endogenous opioid and the endocannabinoid system
Besides endogenous opioid and cannabinoid receptors, endogenous opioid and
cannabinoid ligands (or endocannabinoids) have also been identified (Fig. 5C and D).

Kung Fu
Non-action and motion are integral.
What Depression Feels Like:
Don’t want to be here. Don’t want to be there. I’d rather be here than there.
I’d rather be there than here.
Each place I am,
My mind is somewhere else.
Realizing my intuition, Making me feel alone,
I realize all the things I am And realize I am none of them.
Shoe Shopping?
She asked me if I wanted to go shoe shopping with her all day.

I said, “I’d rather chase my dick around the room until my legs got tired!”
Shaking branch waves goodbye to fleeting bird.
The New Three-Year-Hoax
“A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on it’s shoes.
Mark Twain
Put all of your focus into what, or who you want to experience, for a certain amount of time.
One thing about time, there’s no telling how far it will stretch.Life may be just a dancing moment, just one day or a week or a year, or just a split-second.
Chip Van Hassel
Becoming Immortal
“…it’s your love that makes you immortal,”
“Do the very best you can for the world, your kids, and each other, because it’s your love that makes you immortal, and the more you give it away the richer you’ll be.”
Jupe Towsend Sept. 16, 2016
Point and Laugh
“Are you laughing at me?”
“Yea. But don’t take it personally.”
Professor Gulp!
There was a professor who taught a course called, “Sexual Ethics,” and the only way to pass the course was to blow him!
Rain sweeps napkins wet
From sidewalk of bar goers.
Guitar man case closed
Chip Van Hassel
Earth Wave
“This Planet breathes deep, once. In; then, Out.”
Chip Van Hassel
Expanding Crane
Last First Breath
Each Breath is an eternity:
In Forever.
Out Forever.
Tonsil Time
“I want your tonsils to be…”
Neutral Mind
The beauty of not knowing neutralizes any commentary the ego might have.
Chip Van Hassel
The Overly Zealous
“Found deep, twisted around the corner of the (mind’s) eye, zealousness bleeds the well dry.”
Chip Van Hassel
Man of Intellect
Jordan B. Peterson is a man of integrity and quick wit.
Inward Dynamic Tension
Watch the Readiness.
Condense Your Breath.
Muscular Tension is Not Controlled through Breathing.
Increase your Cardiovascular Pressure and your Muscular power separately, but together.
Mindfulness Lecture
It’s not what you think!”
Mindfulness Lecture with Jon Kabat-Zin:
Listen to his calm, soothing voice.
Bevis Speaks

Peek- A- Boo!!!