Vocabulary term of the Year:“Active Shooter”

Active Shooter

1. An Alert to observe the timeline to keep the story straight so that the lie seems true.
2. The timeframe in which the truth must not be filmed, recorded or documented.
3. An alert to turn off all cameras, because if the Location where they say there is an “active shooter” is filmed, there is proof that there was nobody shooting anybody at all.

Google: “crisis actor

The “Throat/Root/Triangle” Exercise:

“It is an Art, indeed, for it requires imagination before any physical components by deed arise to fruition.”

The throat//root chakra exercise begins the long-awaited trip

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Racetrack Commissioners Interfere With Your Personal Life:

holidays are no longer “working days” and won’t be considered “counted” days.

(Copied and edited by Van Hassel Conditioners)

By July 1, 2022 all licensed racetrack personnel are being required to register with HISA.

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