The “Throat/Root/Triangle” Exercise:

“It is an Art, indeed, for it requires imagination before any physical components by deed arise to fruition.”

The throat//root chakra exercise begins the long-awaited trip

down the rabbit hole of Redemption. By processing this exercise throughout a five day period, the parasympathetic response system begins to mold itself; and therefor becomes a force within the body that may only accurately be defined as an “efferent,” happening.

Only after this efferent process has established itself may the practitioner experience true progress to begin. From that juncture, the practitioner will begin to exercise amongst the higher levels of Shaolin.

Push Down.

The,”Throat-Root Tiangle,” begins with Dynamic Tension of the Root Chakras (located within the feet,) constantly pushing down against the Earth Energy (which constantly pushes up). (The existence of this process is referred to as a “Current Mediator”.) The “Center Line,” or “G-Line” of the root chakras (for this exercise,) starts at the tilt-top of the root chakra and bushes down, whereas the G-Line of the Throat Chakra starts at the upper 1/3 of that Chakra. These two dynamic tensions imaginations create the posts between which an “Area of Convergence” is created; and this “Area of Convergence,” is located within the Solar Plexus area, which is below the Heart Chakra area.
It seems obverse to focus on the root chakras, first, as the “Throat/Root Triangle Exercise begins (in the imagination,) from the top of the G-Line of the Throat Chakra, then, pushes down upon the top of the Root Chakras in order to create the Convergence Area. The reason for this order of operations is thus: the practitioner must establish the parasympathetic activity of the Root Chakras to establish a base for the upper chakras to have as a reference point off of which to bounce. This establishment also creates distances and vectors within the body- giving the imagination parameters within which to direct the force of energy which it is compelling to summon. This Root Chakra Establishment becomes, … well, The Root of your practice. All plants and trees grow from their established root systems.
So, assuming that the Root Chakra Parasympathetic Exercise is already in motion, let us focus on how using “the G-Line”, promotes growth, circulation, condensation and viability of the chakras. Viability, in this case, equals initiation. A practitioner must initiate a process before the benefits of that process may be experienced. In the cases of all “Triangle Exercises,” the development and establishment of two separate parasympathetic processes have already been established before the “Area of Convergence,” can be fully conjured up in the practitioner’s imagination.
The Area of Convergence, though (it is) exactly the same process of the upper and lower chakras’, is it’s own, new focus which, forgetting the steps of the prior attainments, may only produce a physical response of acceptance in result of the establishments of current mediators.
“Current,” meaning both: the time right now, as well as the flow of energy. The two, prior processes forgotten, the new process becomes it’s own strength/ the practitioner’s New Focus, or Mantra; and the practitioner may thereafter progress to the next level. It is an Art, indeed, for it requires imagination before any physical components by deed arise to fruition. Growth is not the top of the mountain, but is the snow which piles on top of the already established mountain. That is why the “Triangle Exercises” are Triangular; for the base is always wider than the top, and the only way to place a strong capstone is to build a solid base, first. The only way for a tree to be the taller is for its root system to be firmly, actively growing downwardly.
The “Throat-Root Triangle” exercise results in strengthening the Solar Plexus Chakra. The resulting color is yellow; and the Solar Plexus Chakra’s function is “Power.” The Solar Plexus Chakra is the “Area of Convergence”. From that middle point, efferent growth may be directed both up and down as well as outwardly. From there, the practitioner may, “go back to basics,” in order to progress to a higher level. The Knight of the Solar Plexus has established his base and begins solidification of the Temple Within. The human body IS The Temple.

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