“Turtles have Tales.
Chip Van Hassel
That Kills Me!”
Month: February 2023
Make The Transition
“In times of darkness, they are lights, not judges; models, not critics…”
“Simply put,
Chip Van Hassel
Mankind must take a look at what he is doing-
how he is interacting with his fellow man,
his environment
Etymology term
Term: telepathy (n.)
1882, coined (along with telæsthesia) by English psychologist Frederic Myers, literally “feeling from afar,” from tele– + -pathy. The noun telepath is an 1889 back-formation.
Continue reading “Etymology term”Etymology Time
Word: “allegory”
allegory (n.)
“figurative treatment of an unmentioned subject under the guise of another similar to it in some way,” late 14c., allegorie, from Old French allegorie(12c.), from Latin allegoria, from Greek allegoria “figurative language, description of one thing under the image of another,” literally “a speaking about something else,” from allos “another, different” (from PIE root *al– (1) “beyond”) + agoreuein “speak openly, speak in the assembly,” from agora”assembly” (see agora). Related: Allegorist.
Continue reading “Etymology Time”Etymology Today
Word: “index”
index (n.)
late 14c., “the forefinger,” from Latin index(genitive indicis) “one who points
Continue reading “Etymology Today”Master Mind
Practice Silence; interrupt with neither word or expression.
Zen Saying
Best Stare-Down Ever
“Krokop looked at him like he was dinner.”
-Joe Rogan
“…soldiers will be silenced in that day…”

“Summon archers against Babylon,
JERIMIAH 50:29-30
all those who draw the bow.
Encamp all around her;
let no one escape.
Repay her for her deeds;
do to her as she has done.
Therefore, her young men will fall in the streets;
all her soldiers will be silenced in that day,”
Closed Ears
“They cannot hear the truth being whispered whilst laughing aloud.”
Chip Van Hassel
Spare No Arrows

“Because of the Lord’s anger she will not be inhabited
but will be completely desolate.
All who pass Babylon will be appalled;
they will scoff because of all her wounds.
‘Take up your positions around Babylon,
all you who draw the bow.
Bold as a Lion
Circulating Chi
Breathe-In through your Brow Chakra, down through your
Chip Van Hassel
Sacral Chakra, Circulating breath up through your Heart Chakra to go out your Brow Chakra.

Less is more
“What you got on your mind?”
I answered.
he asked.
“More than I need to.”
Unrequited Love
“The biggest coward of a man is to awaken the love of a woman without the intention of loving her.”
Bob Marley
“Chakra” Definition
“Inhibition and freedom, tension and relaxation, are the tides of the orange chakra.”
-Christopher Penczak
“Chakra is Sanskrit for “spinning wheel,”
Christopher Penczak; The Inner Temple of Witchcraft (page 205)
referring to the spinning wheels of light within the energy body.”
From Ancient Days
“Review the past for me, let us argue the matter together;”
“Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
I will bring your children from the east
and gather you from the west.
I will say to the north,
‘Give them up!’
and to the south,
‘Do not hold them back.’
Bring my sons from afar
and my daughters from the ends of the earth”
Hamburg Massacre of 1876
by Jenny Heckel
A Thesis Presented to The Graduate School of Clemson University ___________________________________________________
Remembering Meriwether:
White Carolinian Manipulation of the Memory of the Hamburg Massacre of 1876

Wait, … WHAT?!?

Fun Fact
“In the 1876 election, one marked by murder and outright fraud – the county where Hamburg was located ended up logging 2,000 more votes than it had registered voters, O’Bryant said – white Democrats took control of the South Carolina government.”
Weak Men Drive Cars; Strong Men Ride Camels.
…more normal than they even know how to be!
I ate at a restaurant today; and there was no knife on the table. I used my pocket knife. The owner of the place got all nervous and started acting scared and giving me the “side-eye”.
I’ve used my knife
What is Dynamic Tension?
“Dynamic Tension is the iron wire of Kung Fu, retaining the flow of Tao, as rocks give way to water, but only over time.”
-Chip Van Hassel
Dynamic Tension is a self-resistance exercise,
(or method,) which pits muscle against muscle.
The practitioner tenses the muscles of a given body part
and then
moves the body part against the tension
as if a heavy weight were being lifted
To Increase Your Power, watch this short clip:
Abigail Riding Her Donkey
The end of Nabal

“Now Samuel died, and all Israel assembled and mourned for him; and they buried him at his home in Ramah. Then David moved down into the Desert of Paran.“
Knights Malta
“Before 1307 the Knights Templar – together with the Knights of St. John of Jeruzalem and in part the Teutonic Knights (these two were originally charitable orders) – were leading organizations behind the crusades in the middle east.”
“In 1523 the Turkish siege of Cyprus put the Knights Hospitaller on the move again, and they found refuge in Malta, given to them by the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V, where they became known as the Knights of Malta or the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Napoleon’s invasion of Malta in 1798 forced the Sovereign Military Order into a diaspora, and today it exists as scattered branches throughout the world.”
Mair Files

You Are Safe With Me

“But one son of Ahimelek
1 SAMUEL 22:20-23
son of Ahitub, named Abiathar,
escaped and fled to join David.
He told David that Saul had killed the priests…
Then David said to Abiathar,
“That day, when Doeg the Edomite was there,
I knew he would be sure to tell Saul.
I am responsible
for the death of your whole family.
Stay with me; don’t be afraid.
The man who wants to kill you is trying to kill me too.
You will be safe with me.'”
Inner and Outer Tone
“Expect the same of yourself as you expect of other people. Make your inner tone be in harmony with in that same tone that you talk to others with.”
1986 Breeders’ Cup Classic
Go, find the arrows
“Then Jonathan said to David,
“Tomorrow is the New Moon feast.
You will be missed, because your seat will be empty.
Riders’ Mantra
“Tri;s of the Hamstrings” Pushing down on Solid Horse Stance; lBouncing off of” Sacral Chakra “Bouncing” off of Root Chakra”
18 USC 242: Deprivation of rights under color of law
Police “…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both…”
18 USC 242: Deprivation of rights under color of lawText contains those laws in effect on February 11, 2023
Continue reading “18 USC 242: Deprivation of rights under color of law”Physical Posture
“Produce the Grace of God in Others.”
Brother Richard Cecil
Oath Of The Templar

“ Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.“
Eye Contact
I’m (It’s) Gonna
Make You
Effective Prayer
How to Pray
Stop Asking;
Only Listen.
“I will be found by you.”

Brahms’s Violin Concerto in D
Philharmonia Orchestra
Hear My Voice
the wheel of a cart rolled over
“The Lord will rise up as he did at Mount Perazim,
ISAIAH 28:21-23
he will rouse himself as in the Valley of Gibeon—
to do his work, his strange work,
and perform his task, his alien task.
22 Now stop your mocking,
or your chains will become heavier;
the Lord, the Lord Almighty, has told me
of the destruction decreed against the whole land.
You Are Correct

Begin Your work.
“You have many workers: stonecutters, masons and carpenters, as well as those skilled in every kind of work in gold and silver, bronze and iron—craftsmen beyond number.
1 Chronicles 22:15-16
Now begin the work, and the Lord be with you.”
Words of Don Adams
“You are the smartest person there is.
Ain’t nobody smarter than you,…
In your own head.”
He points at his own head and taps it three times.
“In your own head!”
Don Adams
Now, I know ain’t nobody
smarter than me,…
In my own head.”
Phases of Life
Graduate from
On The House Floor
“If we can’t sit at the table of democracy, we’ll knock the fucking legs off.”
James Foreman
Roper Doper Form
“Tri’s of the Hamstrings
Pushing down on
Solid Horse Stance;
Sacral Chakra Bouncing off of
Root Chakra”
Never-Ending-River of Breath
“No need to block beyond the shoulders.”
—Master Brian Gray
“Always thinking about the River-
The unchangeable, the constant, not-judging-
Watch breath right now,
visualizing pushing the Chi down

This dynamic tension
is centered.
(Iron Palm,) Pushing down on the Upward chi of Earth.

Breathing is the never-ending river that orchestrates chi wherever it is instantaneously needed.
“Make the entire body solid and reactive.”
“No need to block beyond shoulders.”
Sifu, Grand Master Brian Gray
Sea Story
When USS Independence encountered a full-rigged ship in 1962, the carrier signaled to ask the vessel to identify itself. “Training ship Amerigo Vespucci, Italian Navy,” was the response.“ Independence replied “You are the most beautiful ship in the world.” #SeaStorySaturday

Daily Mantra
Be witness to The Light.
God will not deliver him.
“Lord, how many are my foes!
PSALMS 3:1-2
How many rise up against me
Many are saying of me,
“God will not deliver him.”
Intense Pasta Salad
Lonesome Glory Publications
Chic Peas
Black Beans
Roman beans
Wild Rice
Intense Salad.
Pasta Salad!!!!!
If you beat us to it, email us your pics!!!
Stillness of In- Breath
Securing stillness
of the in-breath builds strength.
Securing humble restraint of the out-breath builds character.
Not knowing allows purity.

I Am Like An Olive Tree.
“You who practice deceit,
your tongue plots destruction;
it is like a sharpened razor.
3 You love evil rather than good,
falsehood rather than speaking the truth.
Full Moon Tonight
12:59 p.m.
Ancient Battery

Always Grow Personally
“Patience is not the ability to wait,
but the ability
to keep a good attitude
While Waiting.”
Where To Seek
“You will seek me
JEREMIAH 29:13-14
and find me
when you seek me
with all of your heart.
I will be found by you.”
Quick to Listen, Slow to Speak
“My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,
JAMES 1:19-26
“An unfriendly person pursues selfish ends
and against all sound judgment starts quarrels.
2 Fools find no pleasure in understanding
but delight in airing their own opinions.
3 When wickedness comes, so does contempt,
and with shame comes reproach.
4 The words of the mouth are deep waters,
but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream.
5 It is not good to be partial to the wicked
and so deprive the innocent of justice.
6 The lips of fools bring them strife,
and their mouths invite a beating.
7 The mouths of fools are their undoing,
and their lips are a snare to their very lives.
8 The words of a gossip are like choice morsels;
they go down to the inmost parts.”
I asked a Kid for a ride
“I would; but you know how people are.”
Some Random Kid
Jessica Reinl Gives The Best Female Vocal Performance Ever
“We’re far from the shallow, now.”
The Shallow

Listen to her amazing performance here:

What Displeases God
“There are six things the Lord hates,
PROVERBS 6:16-19
seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.”
Delayed Gratification
“May my lips overflow with praise,
PSALMS 119:171-173
for you teach me your decrees.
May my tongue sing of your word,
for all your commands are righteous.
May your hand be ready to help me,
for I have chosen your precepts.”